A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Dorothy Canfield,  n.d. [c. May 15–20, 1903] UVt 

As a result of Dorothy's having written to her [Cather's] mother, has had the first letter from her that she could bear to read in two years. They may yet make peace. Isabelle and Edith away on a fishing trip to West Virginia. Sarah Harris has written denouncing the "animalism" of April Twilights—must be crazy. Is tired from parties and work. Is Mrs. Canfield painting? Has she read "The Better Sort" [volume of short stories by Henry James, pub. 1903]? Very complex and obscure.    Willie   [Stout #85]

To Will Owen JonesMar. 6, 1904 from PittsburghUVa 

Comments about "A Wagner Matinee" in his column were biting. Family is offended by the story, too. Didn't mean to disparage Nebraska. Story reflects past times and a particular mood. The Troll Garden won't be out until fall.    Willa S. Cather   [Stout #95]

To Dorothy Canfield,  Saturday [Mar. or Apr. 1904] UVt 

Thanks for sharing what Miss Roseboro' said about the stories. Roseboro's own are a sentimental muddle. Best wishes for Dorothy's doctoral exam in May. Hopes to get to Vermont this summer. Will mainly be in New York near or with Edith Lewis. Hopes to finish novel there. Might take an English course at Columbia, if there is one in the summer. Isabelle still droopy from bad throat. Parents [Cather's] have just moved into a new, roomier house and want her to come help select furnishings, but she needs to finish the novel for McClure.   Willie   [Stout #97]

To Otto LichtenbergFeb. 2, [1905]UVa 

Appreciates his writing about her story. A volume is being published.    (Miss) Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #102]

To Charles F. Cather,  n.d. [Dec. 17, 1906?] , on McClure's letterhead ; UVa 

Sorry not to get home for Christmas, especially when he is ill, but can't desert McClure in this difficulty. Must get the March article out [on Mary Baker Eddy]. Did not work on the January one, began with February. Hopes to be home by New Year's.   Willie   [Stout #120]

To William L. Graves [of Columbus, Ohio]Dec. 17, 1906, on McClure's letterhead ; UVa 

Will take his poem "The Road at Night." He may recall they met some time ago and shared an admiration for Miss Guiney. Hopes he liked Guiney's "Wood-Doves" in the October issue. Enclosed: $20 check.  Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #121]

To Perceval Gibbon,  in Mortlake, England Feb. 2, 1909 on McClure's letterhead UVa

Have not seen any of his work for some time. Please ask Mr. Pinker [his agent?] to send some. Can promise a quick reading.    Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #153]

To James B. Pinker,  [in London] Feb. 20, 1909, on McClure's letterhead ; UVa 

Mr. Gibbon is the best paid of any of their story writers. Please state expectation when sending stories. Sorry Mr. McClure sometimes misplaces manuscripts or is slow to return them, but if sent to her personally they will get prompt attention.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #155]

To Orson LowellNov. 15, 1909, on McClure's letterhead ; UVa 

Keeps hoping they can get some of his work into the magazine. Hopes the rumor that he does not want to work for McClure's is false. Has some stories on hand they would like to turn over to him [for illustration?].   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #165]

To Orson LowellNov. 18, 1909, on McClure's letterhead ; UVa 

Glad to receive his reassuring letter.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #166]

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