A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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Results 11-20:

To William V. Alexander,  at Ladies Home Journal Nov. 25, 1899UVa 

Will revise article on Ethelbert Nevin.    Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #59]

To William V. AlexanderJan. 17, 1900UVa 

Returning proofs of her article on Nevin with inserts Alexander suggested.    Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #60]

To Will Owen JonesSept. 29, 1900 from PittsburghUVa 

Has accepted a temporary position with the Library. Parents may move to Lincoln. Will be there to help around the first of November and will stay through the winter. Would be interested in some work on the Journal. Has to work, or will begin to resemble Herbert Bates. Has some new prose and poetry being published in the fall.    Willa Cather   [Stout #62]

To William V. AlexanderFeb. 21, 1901 from Washington, D.C.UVa 

Ethelbert Nevin died last Sunday. Would like to have the photographs she sent that he did not use.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #66]

To William V. AlexanderFeb. 29, 1900 [actually 1901], from Washington, D.C.UVa 

Appreciates his returning the photographs.    Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #67]

To Mrs. Charles Gere,  Sunday [July 14, 1901?] , from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Children not so changed as she expected; mother better than reports had indicated. Very hot; doubts she can work. Mrs. Garber doesn't go out any more. Hopes Mariel is better.   Willa   [Stout #69]

To George SeibelJuly 17, 1901 from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Has been home about two weeks, feeling tired out. Mother better than in years. Hopes he will read her story in the June New England Magazine. Another to be in August or September Scribner's [?]. Hoping for cooler weather.   Willa   [Stout #70]

To Will Owen JonesJan. 2, [1903?] from 1180 Murray Hill, PittsburghUVa 

Please send newspapers that printed letters from France. Will have a volume of poems published in the spring. Would like to borrow a Lincoln directory to get addresses to send advertising circulars.   Willa S. Cather   [Stout #79]

To Will Owen JonesMay 7, 1903 from 1180 Murray Hill PittsburghUVa 

Thanks for launching her with S. S. McClure. Had a telegram from him and has been to New York to see him. Feeling elated, as if her life is now more valuable than before. McClure to run her stories in the magazine, then publish as a book. Will place for her any he does not use. At the McClure house met wife of Robert Louis Stevenson, who had read the stories. Greatly appreciates his help. Other plans afoot. P.S.: Doesn't seem to be able to reach Sarah Harris.  Willa S. Cather   [Stout #84]

To Dorothy Canfield,  n.d. [c. May 15–20, 1903] UVt 

As a result of Dorothy's having written to her [Cather's] mother, has had the first letter from her that she could bear to read in two years. They may yet make peace. Isabelle and Edith away on a fishing trip to West Virginia. Sarah Harris has written denouncing the "animalism" of April Twilights—must be crazy. Is tired from parties and work. Is Mrs. Canfield painting? Has she read "The Better Sort" [volume of short stories by Henry James, pub. 1903]? Very complex and obscure.    Willie   [Stout #85]

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