A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Mr. Sedgwick [Ellery Sedgwick at Atlantic Monthly? ]May 28, 1926, from Gallup, N.M.Columbia 

Will leave it up to Mr. Reynolds whether to serialize the book. Off soon on a long pack trip by horse.   Willa Cather   [Stout #833]

To Blanche Knopf,  Sunday [Sept. 19, 1926?] , from Jaffrey, N.H.HRC 

Is delighted with the beautiful Chinese blouse she sent. It fits well, and everyone admires it. Is feeling very good about Archbishop. Will have copy ready for the printer in November. Please send three copies of My Mortal Enemy and two of A Lost Lady.   [Stout #844]

To Mabel Dodge LuhanSept. 26, [1926], from Jaffrey, N.H.Beinecke 

Plans for new house are wonderful; view will be splendid. May buy or build in Taos herself, but if so, much simpler, more of a hut, with a bare interior like rooms at Isleta [pueblo]. Is staying at Jaffrey until October 20. Serialization of Archbishop in the Forum begins in January.   Willa   [Stout #845]

To Blanche Knopf,  n.d. [c. Oct. 6, 1926] , from Jaffrey, N.H.HRC 

Please tell this person she can't print My Mortal Enemy in a collection of short stories. Copies have arrived. Printing is good. Rest of Archbishop manuscript will be there about October 29. Please send Virginia Woolf 's The Voyage Out.   W. S. C.   [Stout #847]

To Fanny ButcherOct. 27, [1926], from Jaffrey, N.H.Newberry 

She is probably the only person who has perfectly understood the book. Meant to be showing the basic attraction/repulsion of being in a marriage. Henshawes are intense lovers. Please send another copy of the review. Has enjoyed her stay in Jaffrey and feels proud of the mountain climbing she has done. Archbishop begins in the Forum in January. A completely new form for her.   Willa Cather   [Stout #857]

To John Meloy StahlNov. 11, 1926, from New YorkColby 

Has just returned, having been away since May. Cannot accept his invitation. Must finish new novel; serialization begins in December [sic]. Can't take time to come to Chicago.   Willa Cather   [Stout #860]

To Dorothy Canfield Fisher,  Wednesday [Dec. 15, 1926?] , from New YorkUVt 

Will write for as long as it takes to smoke a cigarette. Has been busy sending off Christmas presents. Niece Mary Virginia is coming to visit soon, no doubt traveling in something like the style of Queen Marie [of Romania, who traveled from Seattle to New York by train in November 1926 with great publicity]. The queen stopped off in Red Cloud [on Nov. 11], by the way, and was presented a copy of One of Ours. New book [Archbishop] will be serialized starting in January. Writing it gave her a feeling of great happiness.   Willa   [Stout #865]

To Mary Virginia Auld, Saturday [Feb. 19, 1927] UNL , copy, not original.

Appreciated the valentine treat, which helped cheer her up from a period of feeling down, mainly because she can't look forward to another writing project as rewarding as Archbishop. Has been to a Rin Tin Tin movie. Steichen is coming to dinner; will wear her beautiful new dress. Is reading proofs with Edith.   W. S. C.   [Stout #875]

To Stephen TennantMar. 28, [1927], from no. 5 Bank Street, New YorkYongue 

Anne Douglas Sedgwick has sent a note written by him praising My Mortal Enemy. Appreciates his favor. Most of her books made out of old memories from which the extraneous has dropped away. Now reading proofs of a book that gave her joy to write, Death Comes for the Archbishop.   Willa Cather   [Stout #883]

To Irene Miner WeiszApr. 23, [1927]Newberry 

Enclosing a letter about My Mortal Enemy; please pass it on to Carrie. Has had a number of letters from priests who've read Archbishop.   Willie   [Stout #885]

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