A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

13 letters found

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To Duncan M. VinsonhalerOct. 20, 1922, from New YorkUVa 

Appreciates his writing about the book. Can't remember ever wanting so much to get a character across as this one. Will hope to see him if she is in Omaha.   Willa Cather   [Stout #631]

To Josephine PiercyAug. 8, [1928]Indiana 

May quote from the essay she referred to. Believes sketch of Nat Wheeler in One of Ours better than the one of Godfrey St. Peter in The Professor's House. The right readers understand her books instinctually. The wrong ones never understand, but that's all right.   Willa Cather   [Stout #943]

To Josephine K. PiercyFeb. 19, [1929?]Indiana 

No, Piercy must not state that the passage about Nat Wheeler is Cather's favorite passage from her own writing, because that is not true. Meant only to suggest that it would be better than the passage she was proposing to quote. No, she may not quote any part of the letter. Apparently was not guarded enough when she wrote it. If she needs to address her in future, it should be in care of A. A. Knopf.   Willa Cather   [Stout #962]

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