A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Witter BynnerFeb. 4, [1908?], from BostonHarvard 

Thanks for his book of poems. Received one by Ford Madox Hueffer [Ford] the same day. Particularly likes the "Harvard Ode" and "The Fruits of the Earth."   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #133]

To Mabel Dodge LuhanNov. 22, [1932], from Grosvenor Hotel, New YorkBeinecke 

She and Edith have leased an apartment and are decorating it. Almost ready to move in. Edith very busy at work; hopes she will resign soon. What about Mary Austin's book [Earth Horizon]? So full of special pleading and self-pity. Not true Archbishop was written in Austin's house—didn't even want to go to the house, but had to, to be polite. Couldn't help it the archbishop was French. Houghton Mifflin had to make deletions [from Earth Horizon] after some 30,000 copies were sold, under threat of lawsuit by H. G. Wells. Has she read Hemingway's fine new book [Death in the Afternoon]? Would like to go to Mexico this winter, but must get settled first. Has heard lots of people talking about Lorenzo in Taos.   Willa   [Stout #1135]

To Edith [Lewis],  Sunday [Oct. 4, 1936] , from Jaffrey, N.H.WCPM 

Is looking out the window of Edith's room at the woods. Feeling fine, with an embarrassingly hearty appetite, and sleeping soundly. Wakes up during the night long enough to enjoy the mountain air and the moonlight. In an hour will see a confluence of Jupiter and Venus. Last night it lasted about an hour before the lady [Venus] dropped over the horizon leaving him [Jupiter] alone. They were splendid. Can't believe all this beauty and order is only a matter of physics. Has been wearing her white silk suit. All the things Edith packed came through without wrinkling. Now will dress for dinner, so as not to miss a minute of the planets.   With love, W.   [Stout #1328]

To Fanny Butcher,  n.d. [Dec. 1941?] Newberry 

Hand somewhat stiff from months in steel brace, but almost well. Wishing her a merry Christmas.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1563]