A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Bishop George Allen Beecher, Monday [Apr. 1939?] UNL , copy, not original

Sorry she sent an unsigned check when she was ill. Glad to hear he is going to Japan. Weather in New York so damp she is confined to home.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1448]

To Mary Miner CreightonFeb. 19, 1942WCPM 

Please tell Carrie, will write as soon as possible. Was selecting some books from her shelf to send to military camps and found the enclosed about Prague; thought they would enjoy it. Has read Sigrid Undset's book about escape from Norway and except for the title likes it very much. Undset found Russia simply filthy but managed to take an interest in it nonetheless. Fears there will be strong public reaction against Undset's admiration for Japan, but she will not take back what she believes.   Willie   [Stout #1572]

To Mrs. George WhicherApr. 22, 1942PM 

Was in hospital with a bad throat and high temperature when her letter came. Right hand doing well now, under Dr. Ober's care. Did she get to hear Jack sing at St. Paul's Chapel March 15? Was in the hospital then, so couldn't go. Surprised to hear Jack is studying law, though his innate brightness will surely enliven the level of law practice in this country. Life is so hectic nowadays, with the stressfulness of world events. P.S.: Understands she met Sigrid Undset at Mount Holyoke. Glad American readers have been willing to read Undset's Return to the Future in spite of its praise for Japan. Undset liked the cleanness and elegance of the Japanese, in contrast to the dirtiness of the Russians. Gunnar's Daughter [translation of "FortÓ•llingen om Viga-Ljot og Vigdis," published by Knopf in 1936]probably her best book. W. S. C.  Willa Cather   [Stout #1578]