A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Norman FoersterSept. 6, 1911, on McClure's letterhead fragment; ; UNL 

Sorry she didn't get the invitation to his wedding. Heard he was married, but not that he was in Wisconsin. A good place to teach. McClure's never uses literary articles. Might try Atlantic Monthly. A lot of trash written about Robert Browning, but he remains popular because behind his hectic style are strong ideas fairly near common sentiment. [Breaks off]   [Stout #204]

To Zona GaleMar. 20, 1925HSW 

Person Gale introduced by letter has written, but the name is indecipherable. Maybe it's in Hebrew and a rabbi could make it out!   Willa Cather   [Stout #774]

To Zona GaleOct. 23, 1928, from New YorkHSW 

What she says of life in Portage is very appealing. Has been living in hotels since no. 5 Bank Street was demolished.   Willa Cather   [Stout #949]

To Zona GaleOct. 16, [1929?], from Jaffrey, N.H.HSW 

Glad to get her letter and to hear that she would like them to be neighbors in Portage. Since mother's stroke, has practically lived on trains. Will have to go back west after a few more weeks. So a winter of quiet work in Wisconsin is impossible. Sorry to hear of her father's death. A fast death is a blessing. Is feeling low, but her letter helped. When in New York will be at the Grosvenor.   Willa Cather   [Stout #982]

To Zona GaleNov. 25, 1929HSW 

Won't be able to get to Portage; must go to Pasadena soon after Christmas. Keeps wanting to quote Kent in King Lear: "Fortune, turn thy wheel." Read Gale's book with grim humor. Impossible to live in isolation but impossible to avoid harming others if one isn't isolated. Has been wanting to talk with her about a particular matter. Will she be in New York before Christmas?   [Stout #991]

To Zona GaleDec. 3, [1929]HSW 

Sorry to have missed her when she was in town. Must have been at the dentist when she phoned. Can only say again what Kent said in Lear. Christmas shopping for old German and Bohemian friends on Nebraska farms. Would feel guilty if she skipped them and they died before next Christmas.   Willa S. C.   [Stout #994]

To Zona GaleMay 23, 1934HSW 

Sorry to have missed her when she was in town. Was in Atlantic City. Has had an arduous time with the left wrist. New book about a month from finishing. P.S.: Has been telling people she was away. Keeps it a secret when she is in town so people won't bother her.  Willa Cather   [Stout #1227]

To Elsie CatherSeptember 5, [1934?]UNL-Rosowski Cather 

Appreciates wonderful, reassuring letter, which answered her questions about Dr. Creighton and Bess.� Feels overwhelmed by good news of Bess.� Will Elsie please take a good stock of food out there from Mrs. Burden's store so that Mrs. Kourtner can cook.� Buy them new bedding or furniture if they need it.� Is enclosing a check for forty dollars to assist with property taxes.�Hopes Elsie will give Kitty work; will help her and Elsie both.� Is as pleased as the Bishop that Elsie saved the trees at the church.�Bishop is an impressive man.� If West Virginia is to be at the University of Chicago, why doesn't Elsie go there for Christmas and enjoy some shows and music?� She herself always stays at the La Salle hotel.�Is amazed that though she is so busy Elsie had the house painted, but a good time to do it with labor and materials cheap.� Nebraska climate always hard, but Michigan, Wisconsin, and even England are very hot and dry now. �Grand Manan seems to be the only cool place left.� Wishes she could bring Red Cloud in its entirety there for a week.� Friend of J. M. Barrie wrote to ask that she inscribe a book to Barrie, since he often reads Death Comes for the Archbishop and My Antonia.� Hard to know how to write such an inscription; he would not be pleased by anything reeking of flattery.� Would rather write a book than this, but has to do it.� Elsie should take it easy and rest after the heat of the summer.   Willie