A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

8 letters found

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To R. L. ScaifeDec. 8, [1918]Harvard 

Have copies been sent to New Republic and Bookman? What is the decision about Albertieri's book on dance?   Willa S. Cather   [Stout #444]

To Ferris GreensletNov. 17, [1919?], from New YorkHarvard 

Can't they get into the Times Book Supplement a notice such as this one about Hergesheimer? Understands there will be a Czech translation of Ántonia. Still trying to get a phone.   Willa Cather   [Stout #483]

To Wilbur CrossJan. 10, 1922Beinecke 

Understood from the Canbys that she would see him before now, so didn't write. Has articles due to the New Republic and the Nation in February, so can't get one done for the Yale Review right away.   Willa Cather   [Stout #572]

To Thomas Masaryk [president of the Czechoslovak Republic]Feb. 2, 1925, from no. 5 Bank Street, New YorkBerkeley 

Feels honored to receive his letter and glad to have introduced to him the Bohemian people she knew in Nebraska. While in Red Cloud for Christmas took the original Ántonia and six of her children to see the movie of A Lost Lady. Usually remains friendly with her characters. Wishes she could introduce to him the real Ántonia and her children. The Midwest is such a combination of contradictories that she can only write about what she lived. Has no biographical material to send him except a publicity brochure from Knopf. Is still only beginning to find her proper voice in fiction.   Willa Cather   [Stout #768]

To Blanche Knopf,  n.d. [c. Nov. 12, 1927] HRC 

[Two quotations from Robert M. Lovett review in The New Republic.] Either of above quotations will make a good ad.   W. S. C.   [Stout #913]

To Dayton M. KohlerMar. 16, 1939VTech 

Feels hopeless with the news that Hitler has gone into Prague. Is thinking about her friend President Masaryk and the Czech people she knew years ago. Britain seems to have lost its sense of honor, which she always thought was so strong. Hardly feels like going on living in this deteriorated world. Appreciates his letter, however.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1442]

To Mary Miner CreightonFeb. 19, 1942WCPM 

Please tell Carrie, will write as soon as possible. Was selecting some books from her shelf to send to military camps and found the enclosed about Prague; thought they would enjoy it. Has read Sigrid Undset's book about escape from Norway and except for the title likes it very much. Undset found Russia simply filthy but managed to take an interest in it nonetheless. Fears there will be strong public reaction against Undset's admiration for Japan, but she will not take back what she believes.   Willie   [Stout #1572]

To Elsie CatherMarch 16, [1939]UNL-Rosowski Cather 

[written beside date, before greeting:] So Hitler is in Prague! [then after greeting:] Enclosed is the promised money for Red Cloud house, five percent of the $5000 value of the home. Regards it as an investment. Asked earlier that Elsie not make more changes to the house, but received no response. Sorry not to write a longer letter, but has had influenza and a relapse, and is just today out of bed. What a difficult time this is! Feels her faith in British honor shaken in recent weeks. [The Munich Conference was in September 1938. Cather may bereferring to Britain's having subsequently refrained from opposing Hitler's takeover of Czechoslovakia.] Enjoyed sending flowers—no thanks needed. Enjoyed Mollie's letter. Doesn't yet feel like tackling correspondence. Has many letters, including one from Bishop Beecher, asking things of her. Harder to say no to Beecher than the others.   W.