A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

15 letters found

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To Elizabeth Shepley SergeantMay 31, 1910, on McClure's letterhead ; PM 

Sorry the proofs went astray, but proofed the article thoroughly herself. Can't use more than one article about the Labor Congress. Emphasis should be on developments abroad for protection of workers. Can pay $150 for article and photographs. If Sergeant gets to Berlin might visit Permanent Exposition for the Welfare of Workingmen and feature some of the exhibits there. Miss Wyatt preparing article on the working girl, so not sure they could use another on French working girls. Seems as if the whole city is being demolished and rebuilt these days.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #179]

To H. L. MenckenMay 12, 1916, from New YorkNYPL 

True, the story suggests Lillian Nordica, though there are only two specifics that resemble her life, the shipwreck and the dispute over the will. Yes, her last husband, George Young, is still alive. Let her know by mail if he is going to be in town, as she has had her telephone disconnected. P.S.: Truly doesn't see how Young could object to the story.  Willa S. Cather   [Stout #358]

To Paul R. ReynoldsJuly 10, 1916, from Taos, N.M.Columbia 

Has received the $540 check for "The Diamond Mine." Hopes to have some new material for him in the fall.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #360]

To Elizabeth Shepley SergeantAug. 3, [1916]PM 

Came up to Wyoming from New Mexico two weeks ago. Hard to advise her where to go in the West. Taos probably the best. Will be off to Red Cloud in about two weeks. Hasn't done any writing. Has sold the Nordica story to McClure's for a good price.   W.   [Stout #363]

To Paul R. ReynoldsSept. 25, [1916?]Columbia 

Sorry not to have anything to send him yet. Will get back to New York in November and start to work. Glad to see the story in McClure's ["The Diamond Mine," Oct. 1916], but they should have let her cut it as she did "My Little Sister" [by Elizabeth Robins, pub. Dec. 1912 and Jan. 1913].   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #367]

To Ferris GreensletOct. 1, [1916], from Red Cloud, Nebr.Harvard 

Please send a copy of The Song of the Lark to Ruth St. Denis in Los Angeles, who has just written her about "The Diamond Mine." P.S.: Has been asked to do some long stories for New York magazines. Would he be interested in book publication of a group of three or four?  W. S. C.   [Stout #368]

To Ferris GreensletOct. 23, [1916], from Red Cloud, Nebr.Harvard 

Should she buy the plates to Troll Garden? Did he see the article where she is said to write like [Edith] Wharton? Does not want to. Has heard George Young may sue over "The Diamond Mine," but doesn't believe he will. Mother has been ill.   Willa Cather   [Stout #369]

To Ferris GreensletSept. 6, [1918], from Red Cloud, Nebr.Harvard 

Glad to hear advance orders are coming in well. Would he like a volume of stories about musicians and singers? Could include "The Diamond Mine" and "The Gold Slipper," as well as some new ones. Mother's health improving. Will return to New York in October.   W. S. C.   [Stout #430]

To Miss TellerJan. 21, 1925Bryn Mawr 

Miss Feld distorted what she said in interview. Doesn't object to all social workers but to those who take it up only to gather material for fiction.   Willa Cather   [Stout #766]

To Father TalbotJune 26, 1931, from Grosvenor Hotel, New YorkGU 

Was pleased by his letter about Shadows on the Rock. Found it difficult to get a balanced view of the early historical figures of Quebec. Has long admired the quality of loyalty to a tradition and religion that she found there. Believes the France of two hundred years ago was a nobler place than the France or the United States of the present. Tried to be as accurate as possible, though did make some deliberate changes, such as the placement of the King's warehouse at that time. Appreciates his interest. P.S.: Some serious errors in Catholic observance in the first draft were corrected by Mrs. Garret McEnerny, of San Francisco.  Willa Cather   [Stout #1059]
