A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

3 letters found

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Results 1-3:

To Will Owen JonesJan. 15, 1896 [actually 1897] from PittsburghWCPM 

Won't be able to send material for newspaper until next week. Has met C. L. Magee, managing editor of two Pittsburgh newspapers and political boss of the city. Had a letter of introduction from an actress friend. Magee's office crowded with people, but he had a kind word for each, gave letters to several to help them get jobs. It was hard to ask a stranger for a job, but he encouraged her to come back. Asked her into his private office, said he would take some articles and there might be a job coming open on the evening paper.    Willa Cather   [Stout #34]

To Christopher MorleyFeb. 28, 1924HRC 

Pleased to accept check in payment for the essay [reprinting of "The Novel Démeublé"].   Willa Cather   [Stout #720]

To Mr. Gardiner,  n.d. [c. Feb. 15, 1941? Perhaps 1942, given publication of Columbus book] , excerpt made by E. K. Brown ; Beinecke 

Liked his magazine article "Modern Authors Can Be Gentlemen" and appreciated his comment on her. Steinbeck and Saroyan do not use the full range of the English language, but only write in monosyllables. Samuel Morison manages to use even ordinary slang in such a way that it fits the need of the moment, without destroying the dignity of his writing. Enjoyed Morison's book about Columbus [1942]; had not known the role of religion in Columbus's life.   [Stout #1527]