A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Charles GereMar. 14, 1896 from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Enclosing a letter to Professor Adams. Has been to see Regent Kaley, who says decision on new instructor to replace Professor Bates rests with regents and chancellor. Please speak to them about it. Is confident she can stay in the job if she gets temporary appointment. Age and sex are against her, but would take it at lower rank and less pay than a man.   Willa Cather   [Stout #23]

To Roscoe CatherFebruary 22, 1940UNL-Roscoe 

Hasn't he figured out that Elsie is always sullen and relishes her own martyrdom? Used to get upset by her letters, but has learned she always exaggerates. Mollie is actually doing quite well. Received a letter from the local doctor, Dr. Lewis, who explained that her fracture is a sort that requires no cast. Showed the letter to two surgeons in New York, and both thought it an extraordinary letter to come from a country doctor, better and clearer than most letters written by New York doctors. Shouldn't have forwarded the letter to Elsie, but she did. Called Carrie Sherwood in Red Cloud immediately upon learning of Mollie's accident, and it was Carrie who asked Dr. Lewis to write. Has sent Mollie $100 to help with the bills—the first $50 she sent to Carrie, thinking Mollie might not be up to handling money matters, but the second $50 she sent directly to Mollie. Note that Carrie's letter, enclosed, is very unlike Elsie's and both Mary Creighton and Dora Kaley have been consistent with Carrie. Why is Elsie more down about it than Mollie herself? Is quite at ease about it. Mollie's expenses aren't much, and will send her $50 more in March. If Roscoe, as the executor of the estate, wishes to make Mollie a gift in Douglass's or their mother's name, that would be very nice. But contrary to what Elsie writes in her annoying letters, Elsie is definitely not being imposed upon. Mollie's old age can easily be made happier by their friendship, not their martyrdom.   Willie.