A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Louise PoundJune 29, 1893 from Red Cloud, Nebr.Duke 

Has been feeling depressed. Has written a story about a tippling prima donna. Doubts Louise read letter sent with poem [see #0009] carefully, if at all. As to Louise's question about the word "bassoon," got it out of Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Poems of Passion. The school year was a trial. Interesting times around Red Cloud recently, with murders and suicides. Has tried a translation of "Wallenstein" [as follows; from Friedrich Schiller]. Glad Mariel and sisters are coming to visit, to cheer her up. Still disappointed Louise didn't come and will put off the Gere sisters if she might. Has been writing papers on Shakespeare.  P.S.: Has received her note. If she does not come, things will be different next year. It has been too one-sided anyway. Please come and show forgiveness or else it is goodbye.  Willa Cather   [Stout #13]

To Vilhjalmur StefanssonMarch 22, 1934Dartmouth 

Thanks him for the vote, but why the American Philosophical Society? She is not philosophical and cannot make it through five paragraphs of Hegel. Likes Santayana and Bergson, but only because they are good writers. Nevertheless, thanks him for the vote and, if elected, promises to learn a little more.   Willa Cather