A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To the Hon. William E. ChandlerJuly 16, 1907 from BostonNHHS 

Will need to treat the current litigation in the last chapter of the History of Christian Science. Wants to approach it by way of Eddy's relationship with her son, George Glover. Is going to Nebraska in late July, would like to see Mr. Glover while in the West. He could edit the article to safeguard Glover's interests in the suit. Would he like to borrow her copy of the 1881 edition of Science and Health?    Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #129]

To Hon. William E. ChandlerAug. 1, 1907 from BostonNHHS 

Understands he cannot give permission to interview the Glovers.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #130]

To Zoë AkinsMay 9, [1925], from New YorkUVa 

Appreciated message from the ship and hopes she is enjoying Paris. Leaves for Bowdoin College tomorrow to give an address, then on to Mary Jewett's house in South Berwick, Maine. Then to Wellesley, Massachusetts, to visit Mary Virginia [where she attended Dana Hall]. Leaves for Arizona May 30. Is about halfway through proofs.   Willa   [Stout #782]

To Mary Virginia Auld, Saturday [Feb. 19, 1927] UNL , copy, not original.

Appreciated the valentine treat, which helped cheer her up from a period of feeling down, mainly because she can't look forward to another writing project as rewarding as Archbishop. Has been to a Rin Tin Tin movie. Steichen is coming to dinner; will wear her beautiful new dress. Is reading proofs with Edith.   W. S. C.   [Stout #875]

To Houghton Mifflin?,  Notes on backs of photographs [prob. in connection with work on Autograph Edition] 1937 or 1938Harvard 

Approves photo in striped front with open collar and hat with flowers, though it makes her complexion look like a Negro's. May approve 1920 passport photo and snapshot made in Ville d'Avray with dog or cat, but they aren't good prints so can't tell. Doesn't like reduction of photo made by Nicholas Murray in 1924, in ornate jacket, because all shadows are bleached out. Doesn't like print from photo by Ensminger in 1937 because contrasts of blacks and whites are too severe. Does not approve the Steichen photo in middy blouse.   [Stout #1389]

To Edward Steichenn.d.WCPM 

Sending her thanks for his care in getting two prints made for her. Knows they will have a good trip. Many things she would like to talk over with him and his wife.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1783]