A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

4 letters found

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To Ferris GreensletOct. 1, [1916], from Red Cloud, Nebr.Harvard 

Please send a copy of The Song of the Lark to Ruth St. Denis in Los Angeles, who has just written her about "The Diamond Mine." P.S.: Has been asked to do some long stories for New York magazines. Would he be interested in book publication of a group of three or four?  W. S. C.   [Stout #368]

To Ruth [no last name given]Oct. 20, 1922, from New YorkMiddlebury 

Nice of her to write and say she liked the book. Remembers her well, as does Miss Lewis, and hopes to see her again.   Willa Cather   [Stout #630]

To Dorothy Canfield FisherOct. 2, [1931], from Grand MananUVt 

Has lingered here, but will leave for Jaffrey or for New York next week. Will probably go west in November and spend Christmas in Red Cloud. Interested in Dorothy's comments on Ruth Suckow. Disliked her early work intensely, but will read the new book. Thanks for letter of condolence. Feeling displaced and lacking in purpose.   Willa   [Stout #1074]

To Sigrid UndsetJan. 6, 1945Oslo 

Her Christmas remembrance was very kind and forgiving. Has thought of her so often. Living conditions deteriorate more each day. Miss Lewis can't even get a taxi to take her to Brooklyn to see her two sisters. The problem of finding servants is acute; their capable woman comes from ten until two to clean and prepare lunch, but for dinner they must cruise about town in search of food, and poor quality at that. Has been working on a story that very much interests her, but last week her right hand gave out again and she is back in Dr. Ober's brace. Isn't very philosophical about it. Will soon send Undset an early book of hers, which she thinks Undset might like despite its grave faults, which appeared in Danish and Swedish [probably 1918 edition of My Ántonia].   [Stout #1690]