A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To F. Scott FitzgeraldApr. 28, 1925Princeton 

Enjoyed his book [ The Great Gatsby ] and never even supposed the passage he points out was derived from A Lost Lady. Inevitable that in describing beauty one could only write about the feelings it evoked in oneself.   Willa Cather   [Stout #781]

To Evelyn ScottOct. 5, 1939HRC 

Has recently come back from a long stay abroad [?] and is trying to catch up on letters. Only agent she knows is Paul Reynolds. Sorry to hear magazines' editorial policies are determined by politics. Doesn't believe it is true in all cases.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1456]

To Mr. WarrenNov. 22, [1930], from Grosvenor Hotel, New YorkHarvard 

Please send copies of the Galaxy to the people listed.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1802]

To Elsie CatherDecember 22, [1937]UNL-Rosowski Cather 

Appreciates Elsie's letter about the service for the window [a window in Grace Episcopal Church dedicated for their mother, Mary Virginia "Jennie" Boak Cather] and all the old friends in Red Cloud. Has sent notes in Christmas cards to many of them. Overlooked Mrs. Warren, but did remember Mrs. Macfarland in California. Has been busy. The Menuhins came recently, and the mother is quite sick and bedridden, so spent time with the girls until Yehudi and their father came to New York from New Orleans. Douglass was visiting; spent as much time with him as possible. Saw Yehudi's dramatic performance at Carnegie Hall with him. Since Mary Virginia was working, and since she did not want to invite people outside the family, had a quiet, delightful dinner on her birthday with just Douglass and Edith. Douglass really came to New York to consult a heart specialist, who said he was fine. Enclosed a check to spend on something fun. Merry Christmas.   Willie