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Bibliography: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by Shakespeare, William

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Shakespeare, William
Note Source
My Mortal Enemy Part I, Chap. 5; Obscure Destinies 180; A Lost Lady epigraph; Collected Short Fiction 1892-1912 319; Collected Short Fiction 1892-1912 464; One of Ours Book I, Chap. 12; Song of the Lark Part I, Chap. 14; Collected Short Fiction 1892-1912 450
Note Relating to Cather

In My Mortal Enemy Cather writes: "There was a great deal of talk about Sarah Bernhardt's Hamlet. In "Two Friends," J.H. Trueman prefers Hamlet to Richard II.

In the epigraph of A Lost Lady Cather writes: "Come, my coach! Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies,/Good night, good night"--associates Ophelia with Marian Forrester (Hamlet IV. 5.72-74)

In "Jack-a-boy," the narrator says that Jack died at "that hour so common for the passage of souls, when 'the glowworm shows the matin to be near'" (Hamlet I.5.89).

In "The Count of Crow's Nest," Buchanan wonders what occurs behind the scenes of the world stage and "how often Hamlet and the grave digger ought to change places."

In One of Ours, Evangeline Wheeler sometimes whispers to Claude in her mind when she wakens at night thinking about him: "Rest, rest, perturbed spirit" (Hamlet I.5.182).

In The Song of the Lark, Thea Kronborg diagrams "Hamlet's soliloquy." There are five soliloquies, the most famous of which begins, "To be, or not to be" (III.1.5-88).

In "The Count of Crow's Nest," the people in the boarding house thought "that the time was out of joint" for them. Hamlet laments: "The time is out of joint--O cursed spite,/That ever I was born to set it right!" (I:5.188-89)