A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To E. J. Overing, Jr.,  [President of the Red Cloud Board of Education] Apr. 30, 1909 [letter read at 1909 commencement exercises and published in the Red Cloud Chief May 27, 1909] ; WCPM , also Bohlke.

Had hoped to be there for commencement, but is leaving for London on business. Has kept up with Red Cloud schools through brothers and sisters. Remembers with love Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Goudy and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Case. Mrs. Case, then Miss King, was principal when she first entered the school. Remembers her first teacher and some of her fellow pupils. Always tried to please Miss King, who helped and advised her all through high school—even tried to teach her algebra, an impossibility. Hard to believe it has been nineteen years since she graduated. Best wishes to the new graduates. They should try to live up to their teachers' goals for them.    Willa Cather   [Stout #159]

To Harry Brent Mackoy [attorney in Kenton County, Ky.]Nov. 11, 1926, from New YorkKentucky 

Is not related to Catherine D. Cather. Please inform the editor of Onward that she should not make such an assertion again.   Willa Cather   [Stout #859]

To Zona GaleNov. 25, 1929HSW 

Won't be able to get to Portage; must go to Pasadena soon after Christmas. Keeps wanting to quote Kent in King Lear: "Fortune, turn thy wheel." Read Gale's book with grim humor. Impossible to live in isolation but impossible to avoid harming others if one isn't isolated. Has been wanting to talk with her about a particular matter. Will she be in New York before Christmas?   [Stout #991]

To Zona GaleDec. 3, [1929]HSW 

Sorry to have missed her when she was in town. Must have been at the dentist when she phoned. Can only say again what Kent said in Lear. Christmas shopping for old German and Bohemian friends on Nebraska farms. Would feel guilty if she skipped them and they died before next Christmas.   Willa S. C.   [Stout #994]

To Dorothy Canfield FisherJan. 3, [1947?]UVt 

Was happy to receive her greeting on Christmas morning. No, can't remember translating [Heinrich] Heine's "Three Kings," but finds it amusing to think of having translated from a language in which she didn't know a bit of grammar. Very like her to have done so! Is happy and busy.   Willa   [Stout #1747]