A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

149 letters found

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Results 1-10:

To Mrs. Helen StowellAug. 31, 1888 from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Hopes Mrs. Stowell will soon come to town for another visit. School will start soon, and she will have to leave her dissecting laboratory and father's office, where she is in charge. Yesterday father thwarted an attempted scam. Carrie Miner gone to college. A nearby married couple not happy. Another couple as romantic as characters in a Ouida novel.   Wm. Cather   [Stout #1]

To Mariel GereMay 2, 1896 from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Appreciates her help getting through scrapes during years at the university. Now another one. Keeps making a fool of herself! Keeps trying on personas (the scholarly, the bohemian)! Would consider suicide but knows her stupidities spring from liking someone too well. People always watching her, waiting for her to do something unusual. Feels superficial and useless where she is. Little brother Jack is the one consolation. Has been to a dance with Douglass and actually enjoyed it. Miner girls there. Met a Miss [Anna] Gayhardt and talked all night. Can't talk like this to Katharine [Weston], of course. Hopes to get up to Lincoln soon. Professor Bates very happy in his new job.    Willa   [Stout #24]

To Carrie MinerDec. 22, [1906?]WCPM 

People seem to prefer lying to telling the truth. Knew Oley Iverson in Bladen as a hired boy for uncle George Cather. He was married then.   Willie   [Stout #122]

To Norman Foerster,  Saturday [July 24, 1910?] , from Plainfield, N.H.UNL 

Liked his paper on White. Glad he's no longer trying to imitate Pater and Swinburne.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #183]

To Carrie MinerMay 10, [1912], from Winslow, Ariz.WCPM 

Is sending a letter she may want for the autograph. [No identification.]   Willie   [Stout #226]

To Carrie Miner SherwoodApr. 18, [1916?], from New YorkWCPM 

Enclosing letters from Mrs. [Peorianna] Sill. Needs to go visit her.   Willie   [Stout #353]

To Carrie Miner Sherwood,  Sunday [1917?] from New YorkWCPM 

Enclosing the best war book she has read, by a woman from Poland. Honest account of the terrible things she witnessed and experienced. Easy to see why the French fear German domination so.   Willie   [Stout #385]

To Carrie MinerOct. 29, [1917]UVa 

Has been in New Hampshire and only now learned of Carrie's mother's death. It may have been a mercy. A character much like Mrs. Miner [ Mrs. Harling ] is in the novel she is working on. Book will be dedicated to Carrie and Irene. As one gets older, one's early impressions become clearer and more precious.   Willie Cather   [Stout #396]

To Carrie Miner SherwoodMar. 13, 1919 [actually 1918], from New YorkWCPM 

So glad to have her letter. Theirs is a lifelong friendship. Proud to hear of her work for the Red Cross. Has had a hard winter, with fuel shortage and illnesses, and the book will be delayed. Olive Fremstad helped get her through an attack of bronchitis; she wasn't working because there were no German operas this year. Is getting along well with Isabelle's husband now, having learned to like him. Was at the Wieners' house often before Mr. Wiener's death. A gracious family, unlike many wealthy Jews. Edith sends regards. Winter was hard on her, too, but of course worst on the poor people of the city.   Willie   [Stout #414]

To Irene Miner WeiszOct. 26, [1918], from TorontoNewberry 

Enclosing a review. Such a reader catches the whole better than those who concentrate on identifying originals for the characters. Please share with Carrie. Leaving for New York on the 30th.   Willie   [Stout #438]
