A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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Results 11-20:

To Mrs. George SeibelNov. 20, 1896 on Home Monthly letterhead ; WCPM 

Won't be able to come on Thursday, as it is Thanksgiving and already has a commitment. Will visit next week.    Willa Cather   [Stout #33]

To George SeibelJan. 29, 1896 [actually 1897] on Home Monthly letterhead ; WCPM 

Enclosing check for $6 for his article on the Star of Bethlehem. "A Higher Critic" will be in March issue, also for $6.    Willa Cather   [Stout #35]

To Mariel GereApr. 25, 1897 on Home Monthly letterhead ; WCPM 

Why hasn't she written? Is lonely since visit by Dorothy Canfield. Dorothy likes the young doctor who wants to marry her [Cather]. Would be a good match, but doesn't care for him. Magazine is trashy, but is doing her job as instructed. Social life going well, with none of the old problems (short hair, Dr. Tyndale, bohemianism) to mess her up.    Willa   [Stout #37]

To Mr. George Seibel and Mrs. Helen SeibelJune 21, 1897 on Home Monthly letterhead ; WCPM 

Enjoyed Saturday evening. Probably will not see them again before she leaves. Jack will enjoy the brownies [rubber stamp] being sent by Erna [Seibels' baby].    Willa Cather   [Stout #38]

To Mariel GereJune 21, 1897 from PittsburghWCPM 

Would like to stop off in Lincoln before going on home. So much to tell!  P.S.: Will be at the Canfields' in Columbus on the way.  Willa   [Stout #39]

To Mrs. George SeibelJuly 23, 1897 from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Probably will not go back to Pittsburgh until September. Magazine has been sold. Will try to get a newspaper job. Afraid Mr. Seibel has not been paid. Jack enjoying the brownies [rubber] stamp. Is going hunting with older brother in August. Is sending Erna [Seibels' baby] a spoon. P.S.: Has been reading Charles Lamb's Dramatic Essays.  Willa Cather   [Stout #40]

To Fred [Winifred Richardson, later Garber]Aug. 15, 1898, from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Writing on family's behalf. Will be at home until first of October; having lots of fun. Is leaving for a ten-day hunting trip near Big Horn with Roscoe. Douglass handsomer than ever. Would like to demonstrate what good gin cocktails she can make. Hopes to produce a book of essays about the theater next winter. Plans to return to Pittsburgh because of job. Refused offer from the New York Sun that would have meant night work. Has had a happy year.    Willa Cather   [Stout #50]

To Mrs. George SeibelAug. 20, 1898 from Holdrege, Nebr.WCPM 

Is off on a hunting trip with Roscoe through South Dakota to Laramie, Wyoming. Having a lot of fun. Douglass has been hired as a cashier on the B&M Railroad. Was having lots of parties at home. Hates having to live away. Never reads newspapers these days.    Willa Cather   [Stout #51]

To Mariel Gere [Oct. 17, 1898] , from Columbus, Ohio joint letter with Dorothy CanfieldWCPM 

Canfield: Willa has been ill with grippe but is better, her cough not so deep. Has also been sick herself. Expects to graduate in June. Cather: Took refuge with the Canfields because of prolonged grippe and overwork. Leaving tomorrow for Pittsburgh. Canfield: Family sends regards. Mrs. Flavia Canfield: Seconds Dorothy's invitation for Mariel to join them in Europe next year. Cather: Dorothy's brother has just left to take his fiancée home. Will write again from Pittsburgh.   [Stout #53]

To William V. Alexander,  at Ladies Home Journal Jan. 11, 1899UVa 

Has interviewed Nevin for the article she is doing. He told her about his writing of Narcissus. Is returning photographs.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #56]

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