A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Leonard Charles Van NoppenJanuary 26, 1900, on "Editorial Rooms, Pittsburgh Leader" letterhead ; Drew U (Adams 141) 

Congratulations and welcome back. Does not think they can find an audience for a lecture on Dutch literature in Pittsburgh; cannot even find enough interested in English literature. Zangwill can't attract a dozen people. Has refused to let cousin Dr. Gore even try. Stedman has done nothing with the manuscript [unpublished Player Letters], but Ladies Home Journal has published a piece ["The Man Who Wrote 'Narcissus,'" Ladies Homes Journal (November 1900): 11], a story will be out soon in the New England Magazine ["El Dorado: A Kansas Recessional," New England Magazine 24 (June 1901): 481-488], a poem in the Critic ["Grandmother, Think Not I Forget," Critic 36 (April 1900): 308], and poems in the Criterion [?], and McClure's [?], as well as several minor periodicals [the Pittsburgh Leader and Lincoln Courier both published poems by Cather in 1900]. Clearly she has not been lazy. R. H. Russell and Co. of New York now has the Player Letters; does Van Noppen know anyone there? If so, please put in a good word for her. Rupert Hughes of the Criterion thinks they have a future. Hopes everything is going well. Mr. Couse and the others send greetings.   Willa Cather 

To Anna Hempstead Branch,  undated [1908-1912?] , from 82 Washington PlaceSmith 

Just received her letters. Sorry, but is busy tonight; thanks for the invitation. Please come to tea on Monday. Miss Bunner [?] and other friends will come. P.S.: The afternoon at Mrs. Fields's was so enjoyable!  Willa Sibert Cather 

To Mary Ellen ChaseNovember 23, 1929Smith 

Appreciates the invitation by Chase and President Neilson to lecture, but cannot accept due to travels this winter. After Christmas will be leaving to see mother in Pasadena. Hopes to stop in Northampton on the way to see nephew at Amherst and niece at Smith, and wishes to see Chase and Miss MacGregor as well to discuss Grand Manan plans. Thanks for sending "The Golden Asse". The book will travel west with her unless she has the chance to look at it sooner. Suspects that Virginia was nervous when Chase had her to tea.   Willa Cather 

To Marine LelandSeptember 4, [1931?]Smith 

Best not to try a translation until all business matters have been settled and a French publisher can negotiate with Cather's publisher. Without that settled, there is bound to be disappointment. Three novels are currently being translated into French; My Ántonia was translated long ago. Wanted to respond personally, as she liked the character of Leland's letter.   Willa Cather 

To Annetta I. ClarkMarch 7, [1931], from the Grosvenor Hotel, New YorkSmith 

Is honored, but cannot accept the invitation to be at the commencement ceremonies as she has already committed to receiving a degree at Princeton on June 16 and to have dinner with President [John Grier] Hibben on June 15. Regrets the conflict, and please keep information private.   Willa Cather 

To Mr. WallackFebruary 16, 1932Smith 

Does not remember whether she made the alteration he asks about, and he should look at the 1923 edition of April Twilights to discover the answer, as that edition kept her revisions.   Willa Cather 

To Annetta I. ClarkMarch 1, [1933] from 570 Park Avenue, New YorkSmith 

Accepts with delight the invitation to attend Smith College commencement ceremonies on June 19 and receive degree.   Willa Cather 

To Annetta I. ClarkMay 20, [1933]Smith 

Though she thanks them for the offer of the suite in the Ellen Emerson House, she has already asked Mr. Whicher to reserve a room for Miss Lewis and herself in South Hadley. Other universities have always provided academic gown so does not own one and would appreciate Smith providing one. Will send measurements soon.   Willa Cather 

To Annetta I. ClarkMay 22, [1933]Smith 

Measurements for academic cap and gown are enclosed.   Willa Cather 

To Annetta I. ClarkJune 14, [1933]Smith 

Agrees that it will be more comfortable to don cap and gown at the Smith College Library. Mr. Whicher switched her reservation to the Mount Holyoke Faculty House instead of the South Hadley Inn.   Willa Cather 

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