A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Dorothy CanfieldJuly 13, 1903 from Cheyenne, Wyo.UVt 

She and Douglass have been enjoying their visit, but can feel the difference the years make. Has been made head of the English department at Allegheny High School at $1400 a year. Had to take a competitive exam. Hasn't been to Red Cloud yet.   Willie   [Stout #90]

To Dorothy Canfield,  Saturday [Mar. or Apr. 1904] UVt 

Thanks for sharing what Miss Roseboro' said about the stories. Roseboro's own are a sentimental muddle. Best wishes for Dorothy's doctoral exam in May. Hopes to get to Vermont this summer. Will mainly be in New York near or with Edith Lewis. Hopes to finish novel there. Might take an English course at Columbia, if there is one in the summer. Isabelle still droopy from bad throat. Parents [Cather's] have just moved into a new, roomier house and want her to come help select furnishings, but she needs to finish the novel for McClure.   Willie   [Stout #97]

To Witter BynnerJune 7, 1905Harvard 

Writes about life in the West out of personal experience. Realizes stories are rather grim. Some details in "A Wagner Matinee" remembered from Cather ranch. Recalls how she and her brothers loved the few trees that grew along a nearby creek, the bleakness of the first Christmas, the drought during early college years, when there were suicides among their neighbors. Things are better there now.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #105]

To Mariel Gere,  n.d. [Sept. 30, 1905?] WCPM 

Appreciated her long letter. Missed Mr. Gere during her visit to Lincoln. Spent a week in Cheyenne with Douglass and a week camping in the Black Hills with Roscoe, then four weeks in Red Cloud helping her father around the new house. Jessie expecting a baby. Mrs. Garber still charming but sad from missing Mr. Garber, though he was a care. Wishes she could live in the West. Getting settled into school work again. Love to Mrs. Gere and to Ellen and Frances, and greetings to the Joneses and others.    Willa   [Stout #107]

To Mrs. S. S. McClure,  n.d. [Dec. 1906?] Indiana 

Appreciates her comforting words. Very worried about father, but news today seems encouraging.   Willa Cather   [Stout #119]

To Charles F. Cather,  n.d. [Dec. 17, 1906?] , on McClure's letterhead ; UVa 

Sorry not to get home for Christmas, especially when he is ill, but can't desert McClure in this difficulty. Must get the March article out [on Mary Baker Eddy]. Did not work on the January one, began with February. Hopes to be home by New Year's.   Willie   [Stout #120]

To Carrie MinerDec. 22, [1906?]WCPM 

People seem to prefer lying to telling the truth. Knew Oley Iverson in Bladen as a hired boy for uncle George Cather. He was married then.   Willie   [Stout #122]

To Jessie Cather AuldDec. 17, 1908, on McClure's letterhead ; TWU 

Is sending a present for Peter Rabbit. Don't open until Christmas! Will send books for Mary Virginia as soon as she and Miss Lewis (with whom she is partners in housekeeping) have read them. Found these nice children's books from England in a local book shop.   Willie   [Stout #144]

To Mrs. George P. Cather [Aunt Franc]Jan. 5, 1910, from 82 Washington Place, New YorkUNL-Ray 

Wishing her a belated happy New Year. Has been managing the magazine by herself since returning to New York in the fall. Has been unwell, so has had not only little time but little energy. Isabelle McClung with her from early November through Christmas; helped a great deal with shopping and the training of a new maid, so the apartment is now very pleasant. Always feels homesick at Christmas; seems everyone in New York suffers from homesickness then. Last year went to the children's service at Trinity Church on Christmas Eve and people were crying all around her. Probably wishing to be back at some small town. Is glad Jack and Elsie put out holly and evergreens in the cemetery for her at Christmas. Both such nice children. Elsie will be nicer when she gets older and not so sure of herself. Enjoys thinking of Bessie [Elizabeth Seymour] and Auntie [Sarah Andrews, sister of Mary Virginia Cather] being together and less burdened by care. Used to find it so hard not being able to do anything for them. Mother seems in better spirits lately. Is anticipating a Grand Jury investigation as a result of McClure's articles on Tammany and prostitution. Expects to go to London again in a few months but hopes to get back to Nebraska in the summer. Hopes to have as nice a visit as this past summer, when Mother did not seem to begrudge her visiting in the country. Please let her known if Bess and Auntie need anything. Sends love and best wishes.   Willie   [Stout #168]

To Mrs. George P. Cather [Aunt Franc]Feb. 22, 1911UNL-Ray 

Another busy winter. Elsie made her first visit to New York at Christmas; they had a wonderful time except for worrying about Mother, who'd hurt herself in a fall. Elsie liked the apartment and the colored maid, who has taken over all housekeeping cares. Health is better this winter, though working all summer while Mr. McClure was ill in Europe wore her down. Had some time away to recuperate in the fall. Saw Mr. Wiener a few weeks ago; he is still himself, in spite of having made so much money. Isabelle visiting and sends her greeting. Hears from Howard Gore that he is going to the coronation of the king of Siam, whom he knew years ago. Wishes he wouldn't pursue aristocrats, but vanity seems endemic to Washington. Hears that Bessie and Auntie are well, and that she and Uncle George are too. May have to go to England in April. Hopes to receive a letter from her before going.   Willie   [Stout #188]

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