A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To E. J. Overing, Jr.,  [President of the Red Cloud Board of Education] Apr. 30, 1909 [letter read at 1909 commencement exercises and published in the Red Cloud Chief May 27, 1909] ; WCPM , also Bohlke.

Had hoped to be there for commencement, but is leaving for London on business. Has kept up with Red Cloud schools through brothers and sisters. Remembers with love Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Goudy and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Case. Mrs. Case, then Miss King, was principal when she first entered the school. Remembers her first teacher and some of her fellow pupils. Always tried to please Miss King, who helped and advised her all through high school—even tried to teach her algebra, an impossibility. Hard to believe it has been nineteen years since she graduated. Best wishes to the new graduates. They should try to live up to their teachers' goals for them.    Willa Cather   [Stout #159]

To Annie Adams FieldsJune 27, 1909, from LondonHarvard 

Learned of their terrible loss [of Sarah Orne Jewett] yesterday. Cannot accept that Jewett is not still there. Knows how fearful Jewett had been of losing Fields; had loved her so dearly for so long. Sailing next week. Will let her know as soon as she lands in New York. Shares her grief.   Willa   [Stout #162]

To Annie Adams FieldsJuly 13, [1909], from aboard the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse ; Harvard 

Her letter was a comfort, especially the account of how peaceful Jewett was. Keeps dreaming they are both still there together. Receipt of this letter will show she has landed.    Willa   [Stout #163]

To Amy LowellMar. 8, 1910, on McClure's letterhead ; Harvard 

Can't use article on Harden [?]. Mr. McClure has commissioned one from William Archer. Appreciates her thinking of them.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #171]

To Witter BynnerMay 19, 1910, on McClure's letterhead ; Harvard 

Is glad to send the verses he asked for. Gives permission to reprint.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #178]

To Elizabeth Shepley SergeantMay 31, 1910, on McClure's letterhead ; PM 

Sorry the proofs went astray, but proofed the article thoroughly herself. Can't use more than one article about the Labor Congress. Emphasis should be on developments abroad for protection of workers. Can pay $150 for article and photographs. If Sergeant gets to Berlin might visit Permanent Exposition for the Welfare of Workingmen and feature some of the exhibits there. Miss Wyatt preparing article on the working girl, so not sure they could use another on French working girls. Seems as if the whole city is being demolished and rebuilt these days.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #179]

To Norman FoersterJuly 20, 1910, on McClure's letterhead ; UNL 

Is pleased to see his success. Looking forward to his article on Gilbert White. Always expected him to write well, if he could get beyond youthful egoism. Since they have no book publishing now, can't consider his book of nature essays. Suggests Doubleday Page, which bought them out, or Houghton Mifflin. Ferris Greenslet there an old friend. For the magazine, more interested in content and a style more scientific than literary, designed to convey information. P.S.: Has been running the magazine alone past six months, as Mr. McClure has been ill. Will be going abroad this winter.  Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #182]

To S. S. McClureNov. 7, 1910, on McClure's notecard ; Indiana 

Please clarify how far she should go in making arrangements with Miss Jessie Wilcox Smith for pictures.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #186]

To Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant,  Friday [early 1911?] PM 

Not feeling well, and now Miss Lewis isn't also. She had better not come.   W. S. C   [Stout #187]

To Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant,  Sunday [pm. June 4, 1911] , from New YorkPM 

Thanks for the box of candy. Someone from Hull House was at the office and said Miss Wyatt is obsessed with white slavery these days. Too bad she can't see anything amusing in humanity. Miss McClung to be in town soon and Miss Goldmark not long after. Wishes Sergeant could be there to meet Isabelle, who also dislikes people obsessed with social reform.   Willa Cather   [Stout #195]

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