A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Dorothy Canfield FisherOct. 14, [1926], from Jaffrey, N.H.UVt 

Just received copy of Her Son's Wife that she sent to the apartment. What a somber book; has the middle-aged quality Dorothy saw in The Professor's House. Harsh but true that problems are perpetuated in successive generations. Has seen it in action herself. Admires the book but can't enjoy such unrelieved somberness. Mood overwhelms her, much as in Ethan Frome [ Wharton ]. After all, it is possible for a person to emerge from a squalid home and see beauty—like that of Jaffrey.   Willa   [Stout #849]

To Mr. Perkins [with Charles Scribner's Sons],  n.d. [replying to his of Aug. 25, 1937] , from Grand MananPrinceton 

Would like to agree [to his request for an introduction to new edition of Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome] but is just starting on a trip with brother's family into far northern Canada. The subject deserves more time and effort than she could give it just now.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1371]