A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Ferris GreensletAug. 23, 1945, from Northeast Harbor, MaineHarvard 

Does not object to proposed Italian translation of My Ántonia, though dislikes any transaction with Viking. Italian translation of Death Comes for the Archbishop very good. Surprisingly, French of Archbishop is not—at any rate, the first version, which she rejected, was not, with absurd footnote defi- nitions of western terms such as "a religious order" for "trappers." When back in New York will send name of woman who translated Archbishop into Italian.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1714]

To Ferris GreensletAug. 28, 1946, from Northeast Harbor, MaineHarvard 

Has refused Viking's request for material for a Portable Cather, as has Alfred Knopf. The worst form the anthology has yet taken.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1737]