A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Eugene SawyerDec. 3, 1924Stanford 

Appreciated his letter. Glad he likes her books.   Willa Cather   [Stout #756]

To Zoë AkinsJan. 18, [1937], from New YorkHuntington 

Loves the Chinese nightingale! But don't order from Thorley's florist shop again; quality has deteriorated. Will try before long to explain why she so dislikes Dan Totheroh's dramatization of A Lost Lady and send it back. How could Zoë have liked it? Dialogue doesn't fit the characters. Maybe she thinks it doesn't matter how a book is butchered so long as it becomes a play. However bad [Eugene] O'Neill is, at least he makes up his own drivel. Is always struggling to protect books from stage and radio. But as to radio, hopes she listened to king's speech. Sorry to be so cross. Please don't hold it against her.   W.   [Stout #1352]