A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

29 letters found

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Results 1-10:

To Will Owen JonesMay 7, 1903 from 1180 Murray Hill PittsburghUVa 

Thanks for launching her with S. S. McClure. Had a telegram from him and has been to New York to see him. Feeling elated, as if her life is now more valuable than before. McClure to run her stories in the magazine, then publish as a book. Will place for her any he does not use. At the McClure house met wife of Robert Louis Stevenson, who had read the stories. Greatly appreciates his help. Other plans afoot. P.S.: Doesn't seem to be able to reach Sarah Harris.  Willa S. Cather   [Stout #84]

To Miss Van Tuyll,  [at Houghton Mifflin] May 24, [1915], from New YorkHarvard 

Very pleased that she likes the story. Doesn't want a picture of herself published unless she gets a good one this summer at the cliff dwellings. Will get one taken by a photographer if she must, but it will only be disillusioning to the public.   Willa S. Cather   [Stout #307]

To Ferris Greenslet,  Sunday [June 6, 1915] , from New YorkHarvard 

Glad to have eliminated the governorship for Dr. Archie. Has made a suggestion about the jacket to Miss Van Tuyll. Also, has returned thirty-three pages of proof. It's pretty rough.   Willa S. Cather   [Stout #308]

To Elizabeth Shepley SergeantJune 27, [1915], from New YorkPM 

Has just read her essay on Provence in Century. Is busy with proofs. Jack is off in Maine. A musical critic is reading galleys and is enthusiastic, especially about the singing lessons. Would have felt bad if those hadn't been right! Has she seen Henry James's article about Mrs. Fields in the June Atlantic? Isn't she disappointed in Owen Wister's novel? [Pentecost of Calamity, 1915] P.S.: Loves her khaki outfit for the cliff dwellings— reminds her of Kurt's outfit in Fidelio [ Beethoven ].  Willa   [Stout #310]

To Miss Van Tuyll [at Houghton Mifflin]Dec. 4, [1917]Harvard 

The sample of heavy lettering is what she had in mind, but the accent over the initial "A" needs to be more distinct.   Willa Cather   [Stout #401]

To Carl Van DorenJuly 30, [1921], from TorontoPrinceton 

Has been noticing his writing on authors in their own styles, and likes what he did with her. Believes her new novel will be her best yet, but he will still probably think it formless. He can return her copy of The Troll Garden when she gets back to New York.   Willa Cather   [Stout #549]

To Carl Van DorenJan. 2, [1922]Princeton 

Is back at home and hopes he can come for tea on a Friday. Would like to discuss his chapter on Henry James in The American Novel [1921] .   Willa Cather   [Stout #570]

To Carl Van Doren,  Monday [c. May 8, 1922?] , from no. 5 Bank Street, New YorkPrinceton 

Thanks for the book, which was waiting when she returned from sanitorium. Glad he likes Ántonia, but believes new book is better. Three years of hard work.   Willa Cather   [Stout #594]

To Miss Van Dyne [librarian]Jan. 8, 1926Newark 

Glad to be included in their list of best novels.   Willa Cather   [Stout #817]

To Carl Van VechtenSept. 16, [1927], from Jaffrey, N.H.Richmond 

Pleased he likes the book. Tried to make it a selfless, impersonal sort of book.   Willa Cather   [Stout #894]
