A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Mr. George Seibel and Mrs. Helen SeibelAug. 9, 1897 from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Has received Erna's picture. Is impressed that Mr. Seibel has acquired a complete set of Hugo, but they will envy her "Thistle" Stevenson. Has not yet retrieved manuscripts from Axtell and Orr. Beware of Christians! But is attending church with her family. Leaving on hunting trip today. Has a cold.    Willa Cather   [Stout #41]

To Mariel Gere,  Sunday [Sept. 19, 1897?] from PittsburghWCPM 

Felt like jumping off train when it left Lincoln. Likes her work as telegraph editor, writing headlines for all telegraph material received during day shift. Writes theater reviews for extra pay. Will not stay away from Nebraska so long next time. Was never really a bohemian. Hopes Mariel will come visit at Christmas.    Willa   [Stout #45]

To Louise PoundOct. 13, 1897 from PittsburghDuke 

Not fair to accuse her of keeping her address a secret. Had not expected to be daytime telegraph editor when she accepted the Leader job, but when it became available applied and got it, despite youth and sex. Work is like running a race, but hours are short. Hard to write distinctive headlines for a dozen suicides at a time. Has received A Portrait of a Lady [ James ]. Mr. Farrar has come to call, so must break off.    Willa Cather   [Stout #46]

To Frances GereJune 23, 1898 from PittsburghWCPM 

Glad to hear Fritz Westermann has gone off to the [Spanish-American] war. Has been writing headlines about the blockade of Santiago Harbor. Sorry not to come to her commencement. Dorothy [Canfield] will be visiting in early July. Has been in Washington with her cousin Professor Gore, who was preparing for a polar expedition. His Norwegian wife, Lillian Thekla Brandthall, is glamorous and impressive. Looking forward to getting back to Nebraska.    Willa   [Stout #49]

To Mariel Gere [Oct. 17, 1898] , from Columbus, Ohio joint letter with Dorothy CanfieldWCPM 

Canfield: Willa has been ill with grippe but is better, her cough not so deep. Has also been sick herself. Expects to graduate in June. Cather: Took refuge with the Canfields because of prolonged grippe and overwork. Leaving tomorrow for Pittsburgh. Canfield: Family sends regards. Mrs. Flavia Canfield: Seconds Dorothy's invitation for Mariel to join them in Europe next year. Cather: Dorothy's brother has just left to take his fiancée home. Will write again from Pittsburgh.   [Stout #53]

To Mrs. George Seibel,  n.d. [Mar. 1900?] , on Pittsburgh Leader letterhead ; WCPM 

Could not visit last night because had to serve as a last-minute substitute reviewer of an orchestra concert. May go to Paris next month. Has a poem in the March Critic. ["Grandmither, Think Not I Forget" was in the April 1900 Critic.]    Willa Cather   [Stout #61]

To William V. AlexanderFeb. 21, 1901 from Washington, D.C.UVa 

Ethelbert Nevin died last Sunday. Would like to have the photographs she sent that he did not use.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #66]

To Dorothy Canfield,  n.d. [Mar. 1901] , from PittsburghUVt 

Has finished first month of teaching, but may quit and go home to Red Cloud. So much effort, if one is serious about it, for so little pay. The "letters" have been rejected [projected book of open letters to actors]. Just as well; they were overwritten and not of lasting interest. Maybe some can be placed in the Critic, with Dorothy's help. "Jack-a-Boy" in the Saturday Evening Post with good illustrations. Has been reading Lemaître. McClungs have moved into new house. Would like to discuss the Pittsburgh novel. [Two poems are enclosed: "Caliban" and "The Inexorable."]   Willie   [Stout #68]

To Mrs. Charles Gere,  Sunday [July 14, 1901?] , from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Children not so changed as she expected; mother better than reports had indicated. Very hot; doubts she can work. Mrs. Garber doesn't go out any more. Hopes Mariel is better.   Willa   [Stout #69]

To Dorothy Canfield,  n.d. [May 1902] UVt 

Examinations to begin soon. Will sail the 14th from Philadelphia, be in England until mid-to late July, depending on when she can meet them in Paris. Why has Dorothy been reading old Hesperians? Is not proud of her writing in them. Was not happy during that time. Hopes she likes new verses ["Lament for Marsyas" and "Hawthorn Tree"].  P.S.: Plan to go to Shropshire.  Willa   [Stout #72]

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