A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

12 letters found

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To Charles F. CatherNovember 3, 1908, on McClure's letterhead ; UNL-Rosowski Cather 

Cherry H. Cather of Malta and Edith Cather of Vancouver, British Columbia, have written that they are working on the Cather family genealogy. Does he know the name of his great grandfather and other ancestors? These women have shared many interesting details about the Cathers in Ireland and Scotland. There was a county of Catherlough during King John's reign, and two brothers, Edmund and Bertram Cather, were granted the County of Tyrone in 1660 for resisting Cromwell. Is at least pleased they were Stewarts [sic]. Hopes he will share whatever he knows.   Willa 

To Elsie CatherJanuary 14, 1937, with clipping of an article from the New York Herald Tribune entitled "A Great Farewell" ; UNL-Rosowski Cather 

Enclosed editorial represents the New York view on the matter [of the abdication of England's King Edward VIII]. American media created such a stature for the woman [ Wallis Simpson ] that he could not have separated from her even if he wished to. Church officials probably wouldn't have minded if he put "duty" before "happiness," but the public wouldn't have respected him if he did. With such fierce public attention on the relationship, he couldn't really let her go, even though she may seem to be of low character to many. Kings struggle to have any sincere friends, and she seemed like one to him.   W. 

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