A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Edith McClungSeptember 26, 1938UNL-Rosowski Cather 

Understands anxiety about Isabelle and Jan in Italy, but it seems Mussolini is only forcing out Jewish people who are working jobs that Italians might fill (he does not share Hitler's fierce abhorrence of Jews). Since Jan is not taking any employment away from an Italian, he probably won't be bothered. Elizabeth Vermorcken, who is in Sorrento at the Hotel Cocumella, will likely cable if it gets dangerous. Recent note from Isabelle suggests she is comfortable in Italy, and she says that many Americans have been staying at the Cocumella, including Miss Overton of the New York Public Library. Will go see Miss Overton soon, and will write if she knows anything new about the Hambourgs.   Willa Cather