A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Elizabeth Shepley SergeantApr. 14, [1913?], from no. 5 Bank StreetPM 

Would have liked to go to France with her. Proofs of Pioneers coming in. Not so pleased with it as at first. Is getting acquainted with Olive Fremstad, who is rather overwhelming.   W. S. C.   [Stout #256]

To Zoë AkinsJune 11, [1913?], from no. 5 Bank Street, New YorkHuntington 

Will be there until July 15.   W. S. C   [Stout #259]

To Elizabeth Shepley SergeantSept. 22, [1913], from Gore, Va., UVa. ; PM 

Trip has been worthwhile after all. Has been walking a lot in the mountains. Fremstad has invited her up to her camp in Maine to visit. English reviews are wonderful.   Willa S. C.   [Stout #265]

To Ferris Greenslet,  Thursday [prob. 1913] , from no. 5 Bank Street, New YorkHarvard 

Telephone number is 2036 Chelsea. Wants to see him and Mr. Sadler.   W. S. C.   [Stout #268]

To [William] Winter Nov. 5, [1913?], on no. 5 Bank Street printed stationery ; Colby 

His letter rewards her for the work of writing the book. Glad it makes him remember the prairie.   Willa Sibert Cather   [Stout #269]

To Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant,  Tuesday [pm. June 23, 1914] , from PittsburghPM 

Went to Maine June 7 and returned home yesterday. Had a wonderful time with Fremstad and then visited Mary Jewett. With Fremstad, was active every minute, fishing, rowing, hiking, and cooking. What a vigorous woman! Thornton Oakley would do good illustrations for a book on Provence. Scribner's would be a good publisher for it. Going to Wyoming soon. Isabelle will probably go to Italy during that time.   W.   [Stout #284]

To Ferris GreensletMarch 28, 1915, from no. 5 Bank Street, New YorkHarvard 

Is sending most of the novel. About 20,000 words yet to write. Believes it is very good. Feels envious of Doubleday's sales methods. Houghton Mifflin ought to push this book more than they did O Pioneers! Parts of the story are drawn from her early years, including the death of the railroad man, which happened when she was about thirteen. Story is full of the West. Has hit it with this one!   Willa Cather   [Stout #295]

To Elizabeth Shepley SergeantJune 27, [1915], from New YorkPM 

Has just read her essay on Provence in Century. Is busy with proofs. Jack is off in Maine. A musical critic is reading galleys and is enthusiastic, especially about the singing lessons. Would have felt bad if those hadn't been right! Has she seen Henry James's article about Mrs. Fields in the June Atlantic? Isn't she disappointed in Owen Wister's novel? [Pentecost of Calamity, 1915] P.S.: Loves her khaki outfit for the cliff dwellings— reminds her of Kurt's outfit in Fidelio [ Beethoven ].  Willa   [Stout #310]

To Glendinning Keeble,  Monday [prob. July 19, 1915] , from New YorkCMU 

Appreciates his returning proofs quickly; couldn't finish until she got his help. Isabelle will be leaving for Pittsburgh in a few days and she will follow. In the meantime she and all of New York interested in a group of eight morris dancers staying across the street from her who are causing trouble for their stage manager due to having lost all their gear en route.   [Stout #313]

To Ferris GreensletDec. [6, 1915?], from Pittsburgh ; Harvard 

Could he use just a paragraph from McClure? Won't return to Bank Street until after the holidays.   W. S. C.   [Stout #339]

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