A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

58 letters found

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Results 1-10:

To H. G. DwightJan. 12, [1907?], from 60 Washington Square, New YorkAmherst 

Envies his being in Italy. Is working on the material about Eddy, after three men failed with it. It drives out every trace of an imaginative idea. Why doesn't he like [Pierre] Loti—afraid of real imagination? He covers up his own with slang and imitations of Kipling. Or maybe he fears being sentimental. McClure has paid $500 for illustrations for "The Valley of the Mills." Was in Pittsburgh a couple of months ago and saw the Willards. Only music saves her in New York. Please ask Mr. Reynolds to send her his work personally.   Willa S. Cather   [Stout #125]

To Mrs. Alice E. D. GoudyMay 3, [1908], from Naples, ItalyWCPM 

Has just returned from a week in the Apennines. Spent two days in Pompeii and is enjoying the Pompeiian collection at the Naples Museum, also the beautiful Bay of Naples. The classical world seems close at hand. Has regained enough Latin to read Tacitus and Suetonius. Remembers seeing a picture of the bust of Caesar in a textbook when Mr. Goudy was her teacher, and now has seen it at the museum. Farmers working their fields just as in Virgil's Georgics. Goes on to Rome next week.   Willa   [Stout #137]

To Sarah Orne JewettMay 10, 1908, from Ravello, ItalyHarvard 

What a beautiful place! Camellias and roses in bloom all around. Room overlooks the Gulf of Salerno, as blue as the water in a [Pierre] Puvis de Chavannes painting. Yesterday a festival celebrating the arrival of the skull of St. Andrew in Amalfi seven hundred years ago, but enjoyment interrupted by the arrival of some people she used to know in Nebraska. [Alice] Meynell's essays about Italy in the book Jewett gave her are very fine, especially the essay "The Lesson of Landscape," but A. E. Housman writes with equal truthfulness, and she includes a transcription of his "The Olive," a poem he gave her that she has never seen in print. The "White Heron" and the Dunnet ladies [references to copies of books by Jewett] are always with her.    Willa Cather   [Stout #138]

To Ferris GreensletMay 2, [1914], from New YorkHarvard 

Glad the book is selling fairly well. How did the Heinemann edition do? Is going to Pittsburgh in a few days. Miss Lewis sailing for Naples toward the end of the month.   W. S. C.   [Stout #281]

To Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant,  Tuesday [pm. June 23, 1914] , from PittsburghPM 

Went to Maine June 7 and returned home yesterday. Had a wonderful time with Fremstad and then visited Mary Jewett. With Fremstad, was active every minute, fishing, rowing, hiking, and cooking. What a vigorous woman! Thornton Oakley would do good illustrations for a book on Provence. Scribner's would be a good publisher for it. Going to Wyoming soon. Isabelle will probably go to Italy during that time.   W.   [Stout #284]

To Ferris Greenslet,  Sunday [prob. May 1, 1915] , from New YorkHarvard 

Feels reassured by his letter [of Apr. 29]. He was right about the tide in Venice. Wishes he could have been there for the dinner party she gave for Olive Fremstad.   W. S. C.   [Stout #302]

To Zoë Akins,  Wednesday [prob. late Mar., 1916] Huntington 

Excited about her play [The Magical City opened at the Bandbox Theater in mid-March 1916]. Sets wonderful, characters wonderful. Poet character a true ass. Shows what a clear sense of theater she has. Sorry for the poor handwriting, but is in bed with grippe. Hoping to sail for Italy in early June unless submarines get too active.   W. S. C.    [Stout #352]

To Ferris GreensletJune 20, [1920], from ParisHarvard 

Enjoying the food, though prices are high. Not shopping except for necessities. Will spend a few weeks with the Hambourgs and go with them to the south of France and to Sorrento. Edith Lewis going to Italy next week. Has not gone on with "Claude" since arriving, but has planned some cuts, so the money she has spent on drinks has not gone for nothing. French wine is really the essence of the culture.   Willa Cather   [Stout #509]

To Mrs. George P. Cather [Aunt Franc]July 4, [1920], from ParisUNL-Ray 

A huge procession of war orphans marched in a parade today to celebrate America. The stars and stripes flying above public buildings. The French like American soldiers, but not Wilson. Hopes to go to Cantigny next week, though trains still disrupted. Feeling good after the voyage. Almost dreads trip to Naples, with travel so difficult now.   Willa   [Stout #510]

To Mary Rice JewettJuly 26, 1920, from Paris, postcard ; Harvard 

Paris as beautiful as always. Will go to Sorrento for the fall.   Willa Cather   [Stout #512]
