A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Yaltah Menuhin,  Wednesday [Jan. 5 or 12, 1938] Princeton 

Tried to describe to Isabelle how beautiful a bride she was. Wishes she could have made a quick sketch, as Stephen [Tennant] could have. Has enjoyed knowing her since she was six.   Aunt Willa   [Stout #1387]

To Ferris GreensletJan. 24, 1938Harvard 

Is sending Stephen Tennant's book of drawings. Publishers in England would like to export unbound sheets to an American publisher. Promised to show it to Houghton Mifflin and Knopf without having seen it. Now realizes Americans would find it offensive. It bears the traces of his rebellion against strict upbringing. Please send a letter she can pass on to Tennant.   W. S. C.   [Stout #1393]

To Ferris GreensletFeb. 2, [1938?]Harvard 

Has a sore throat, but will answer his letter about Stephen Tennant soon. Tennant might develop a real style if he would concentrate more on his art.   W.S.C.   [Stout #1397]

To Ferris GreensletMar. 2, 1938Harvard 

Is recovering from influenza. Enjoyed reading about his meeting with Stephen Tennant and mother and stepfather, Sir Edward Grey. Didn't mean Grey was stern, but his interests and Stephen's utterly dissimilar. Very pleased with O Pioneers! in autograph edition. Did he hear the recital Hephzibah and Yehudi Menuhin gave in Boston? Such a joy to know them!   Willa Cather   [Stout #1401]

To Yaltah MenuhinFeb. 28, [1939?; prob. Feb. 27]Princeton 

Wishes she were there to cheer a rainy day. Enclosing a letter from Stephen Tennant. At times he lets emotions run away with him. Prefers simple, direct language. English poetry has greater riches and variety than French, but English prose is better plain, with strong emotion kept firmly controlled. Glad to hear she likes Barrie. He can get away with sentiment because he always does it with a hint of a laugh. Was glad to hear from her father and Yehudi on Saturday before they sailed. Sorry she is having respiratory trouble. Suggests she read at night when she is having trouble, to try to take her mind off it. Myra Hess came to tea yesterday and sent her greetings. P.S.: Good that Stephen went to Egypt even if it did cause him to rhapsodize; he needs it for his health. [Tennant was in Egypt in early 1939. That fact, together with the reference to Yaltah's illness, seems to confirm the dating of this letter. On the other hand, the reference to Yehudi's sailing conflicts with the statement that he is in Jaffrey. I conjecture no. 1439 was written later in the day. However, inconsistencies make it unclear.]  Aunt Willa   [Stout #1438]

To Mrs. William Stix [Yaltah Menuhin]Apr. 11, [1939]Princeton 

Yehudi surprised her for Easter with some recordings made in England not released in the U.S. One was their recording of Mozart's Sonata in B-flat. Has enjoyed it. Glad she is living where the weather is sunny. Very cold in New York. P.S.: Stephen is at Rhodes.  Aunt Willa   [Stout #1449]

To Helen McAfeeOct. 19, [1939]Beinecke 

Pleased by A. E.'s remarks quoted on page 81 in Yale Review.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1457]

To Ferris GreensletSept. 21, 1940, from New YorkHarvard 

Appreciated his offering her a copy of Lord Tweedsmuir, but didn't answer because completing her new book. Knopf pleased with it. Has not yet received Audubon's America, and looks forward to it as well as the book on Tweedsmuir. Glad they have both known such fine people. Greatly admires the present conduct of the British. Even Stephen Tennant, as pampered as he has been, says he is proud to be in England now. Finished reading Churchill's Life of Marlborough at Grand Manan and considers it a very great work. P.S.: The books have arrived.  Willa Cather   [Stout #1491]

To Mrs. George WhicherMar. 5, 1941PM 

Sorry to have missed her while she was in New York for Yehudi Menuhin's recital, but was in the hospital. Did get to hear the recital, as Yehudi's mother took her and nurse to a private box. Was somewhat disappointed in his playing. Is now at home, but cannot use right hand. Strained the tendon in her thumb. Wants to hear about Stephen's wedding.  Willa Cather , by S. J. Bloom, then signed by Willa Cather with left hand. [Stout #1532]

To Stephen TennantApr. 15, 1941Yongue 

Likes the cover for Lascar; it transports her to Marseilles. Likes the way the church towers over all while frivolous and shabby and alluring things wash around it. Sense of crowding and human variety perfectly captures Marseilles. Surprising he never read Maupassant until recently. Glad he is feeling well and enjoying himself. Was sorry to learn that Virginia Woolf had died; knows that was a loss to him. Hand improves very slowly.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1536]

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