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The ten second silent movie clip offered here is a large section of one of the only known moving images of Cather (approximately thirty seconds total). The film is part of a reel at the Historic Films Archive labelled "The Literary, Artistic, & Theatrical Life Of New York City During the 1920s." The reel also includes images of H. L. Mencken, George Gershwin, Theodore Drieser, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Sherwood Anderson, Eugene O'Neill, urban life, nightclub and theater scenes, and much more. For information about the reel, VM-144, please contact the Historic Films Archive.
The movie clips are offered in different sizes in both MPEG-4 format and MOV format. If your web browser will not play the movie above, the files can be downloaded and viewed in QuickTime, Windows Media Player, or other compatible media players.
QuickTime Movie file (MOV) MPEG-4 files (MP4)