The Complete Letters of Willa Cather is an endeavor to create a digital, scholarly edition of Cather's entire body of correspondence. The project is supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, as well as by the Cather Project and the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and with the cooperation of Willa Cather Foundation in Red Cloud, Nebraska.
There are currently 3001 letters in the edition. The Complete Letters is an ongoing project, updated periodically until its completion. In the meantime, you are welcome to browse our database of all known Cather letters
As the Complete Letters of Willa Cather nears completion, Cather Studies will devote a volume to essays that engage with Cather's letters in new and deeper ways. Please see the call for papers for Willa Cather's Letters/Willa Cather and Letters.
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