In "The Treasure of Far Island," the phrase "true land-lords and sea-lords" comes from the last paragraph of "The Poet."
In Cather's July 1897 Home Monthly column, she used a passage from Emerson's "The Poet" for an epigraph.
In a 1897 Journal review of Minne Maddern Fiske's Tess, Cather writes: "It was as though she could not speak it, 'for an old shame before a holy ideal,' as Emerson somewhere says"; the reference is to "The Poet."
In a 1901 Journal column, Cather writes: "Certainly, if there is anything in Emerson's definition of a landlord as the man who can carry the characteristic beauty of a place in his mind, rather than a man who has the right to rub his hands in the soil [naturalist Ernest Seton-Thompson] may claim the whole Black Hills region as his park and demesne." In "The Poet," Emerson writes that the poet -- the "true land-lord" -- "shalt have the whole land for thy park and manor."