In a letter, Cather admits Housman's influence on her poetry and talks of visiting him.
In Willa Cather Remembered, Seibel reports that Cather found Housman in Shropshire "'long and thin and gray,' and not one modern book on the shelves of his study."
In a 1900 Courier article, Cather writes: "There is not one lyric in the collection [Shropshire Lad] which has not ... absolute genuineness."
In a 1902 Journal article, Cather writes: "Anyone who had ever read Housman's verse at all must certainly wish to live awhile among the hillside fields, the brooklands and villages which moved a modern singer to lyric expression of a simplicity, spontanaeity and grace the like of which we have scarcely seen in the last hundred years."
In an 1897 Home Monthly article, Cather uses the first two stanzas of poem XXXVIII in A.E. Housman's A Shropshire Lad as an epigraph.
In an 1897 Courier article, Cather quotes from poem XXII in Shropshire Lad as an epigraph for her column on President McKinley in Pittsburgh.
In an 1898 Courier article, Cather quotes (with minor inaccuracies) poem XIX, "To an Athlete Dying Young," as epigraph to a piece on Lieutenant Frank W. Jenkins, killed on the battleship Maine.
"Tis time, I think, by Wenlock Town," from A.E. Housman's Shropshire Lad, is used as an epigraph for a Home Monthly column in October 1897.