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Bibliography: When Knighthood Was in Flower by Major, Charles

When Knighthood Was in Flower
Major, Charles
Note Source
"The Hundred Worst Books and They That Wrote Them"; Willa Cather Remembered 46
Note Relating to Cather

In "The Hundred Worst Books and They That Wrote Them" Cather writes: "If there are not more than a hundred of them in themselves I should surely put into the category of poor books most of these insincere historical romances, from sweet Janice and When Knighthood Was in Flower down to the least successful and least convincing of the lot."

According to Willa Cather Remembered, Charles Major was Cather's dinner partner at a dinner for Mark Twain. She and Major discovered that they both knew Fred Otte. When Knighthood was in Flower was on the The New York Tiimes bestseller list for three years. Nothing was said here about her reaction to it.