In an 1895 Journal article Cather writes: "There has got to be a Hamlet revolution and the sooner the better. The melancholy Dane must be pulled down from banqueting with Plato and Socrates and put over with Charles I and Prince Arthur and all the other princely failures. The man who will humanize the stage Hamlet will be a great man."
In a 1900 Library article Cather recalls her attempts to apply mathematical formulae to an analysis of the texts as per her training at Nebraska State.
In a 1901 Courier article Cather writes: "Fiction writers are becoming more and more 'sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought'; given over to psychological studies so that they have lost all kinship and knowledge of that part of society which lives in its ears and eyes and stomach and uses its fists oftener than its handkerchiefs."