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  • Writings 1
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  • 1931 1
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  • Cather, Mary Virginia Boak (Jennie) 1
  • Cather, Roscoe 1
  • Hibben, John Grier 1
  • Ickis, Elizabeth Cather 1
  • Lindbergh, Anne Cutter Morrow 1
  • Lindbergh, Charles Augustus 1
  • Shannon, Margaret Cather 1
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People : Ickis, Elizabeth Cather
People : Cather, Roscoe
People : Lindbergh, Anne Cutter Morrow
People : Shannon, Margaret Cather
Year : 1931
Places : New York, New York, United States
People : Hibben, John Grier
People : Cather, Mary Virginia Boak (Jennie)
Category : Writings

1 result

Roscoe Cather ([June 18, 1931])

  • Date: [June 18, 1931]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE