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  • Greenslet, Ferris 1
  • Heinemann, William 1
  • Macpherson, Eugenia Commandeur Hunt 1
  • Phillips, John Sanborn 1
  • Siddall, John MacAlpine (Sid) 1
  • Wilson, Woodrow 1
See more
People : Siddall, John MacAlpine (Sid)
People : Wilson, Woodrow
People : Heinemann, William
Places : New York, New York, United States
People : Macpherson, Eugenia Commandeur Hunt
People : Phillips, John Sanborn

1 result

Ferris Greenslet (May 2 [1919])

  • Date: May 2 [1919]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, MA