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Places : Red Cloud, Nebraska, United States
Places : New York, United States
Creator : Willa Cather

3 results

Dorothy Canfield Fisher (November 5 [1921])

  • Date: November 5 [1921]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Vermont, Bailey-Howe Library, Burlington, VT

S. S. McClure (June 12 [1912])

  • Date: June 12 [1912]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Indiana University, Lilly Library, Bloomington, IN

Willard Crowell (February 14, 1940)

  • Date: February 14, 1940
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE