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Call for Papers: Willa Cather's Letters/Willa Cather and Letters

As the Complete Letters of Willa Cather is nearing completion, Cather's letters are available and accessible to scholars and researchers in an unprecedented way. To mark this moment in Cather scholarship, Cather Studies will devote a volume to essays that engage with Cather's letters in new and deeper ways that may have been previously unavailable to scholars. Melissa J. Homestead, editor of Cather Studies and co-editor of the Complete Letters, will edit the volume.

A variety of approaches and topics are welcome, and essays may focus exclusively on Cather or Cather in relation to other figures. Topics may include (but are not limited to):

Essays should be submitted no later than November 15, 2022. Essays should be documented in Chicago Style using notes. See this guide for advice about how to cite letters as published in the Complete Letters. Essays will undergo double-blind peer review. Please direct queries and submissions to

The Cather Project and the Willa Cather Archive will also co-sponsor a scholarly symposium on Cather’s letters at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on October 10, 2022, but attendance at the symposium is not a prerequisite for submitting an essay to Cather Studies.