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Browse by All Mentioned Works

1 (1925) Colton, John
1 "Bob" Smith Shoots Down Four Jap Planes (January 5, 1942)
1 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer (1808) Moore, Thomas
2 148 Charles Street (1936) Cather, Willa
1 48 Casualties Reported by Gen. Pershing; 3 Aviation Officers Killed in Accidents (June 8, 1918)
2 7 Decades with a Noted Nebraskan: Bishop George Beecher (May 30, 1943) Langevin, Eldon K.
1 A Bard's Epitaph (1786) Burns, Robert
1 A Bell for Adano (1945) Hersey, John
1 A Little Princess (1905) Burnett, Frances Hodgson
2 A Passion in the Desert (1830) Balzac, Honoré de
1 A la Malibran (1850) de Musset, Alfred
2 About Mrs. Eddy: An Investigation Into the Whys and Wherefores of Christian Science (January 8, 1910) H. A. B.
1 About a Column: The Work of Willa Sibert Cather (November 20, 1919) Birtwell, Lorna R. F.
1 Academic Obsession (March 1939)
1 Academic Recession (January 1939)
1 Adam Bede (1859) Eliot, George
1 Adonais (July 1821) Shelley, Percy Bysshe
1 Adoration of the Shepherds, The (1650) de Ribera, Jusepe
1 Adventures of Miss Gregory, The (1912) Gibbon, Perceval
1 Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (1876) Twain, Mark
1 After-Glow (unpublished) Cather, Willa
1 Aftermath (1903) Cather, Willa
1 Age of Confidence: Life in the Nineties, The (1934) Canby Seidel, Henry
23 Alexander's Bridge (1912) Cather, Willa
3 Alexander's Masquerade (February to April 1912) Cather, Willa
1 Alfred A. Knopf: Quarter Century (1940)
1 Alice in Wonderland (1865) Carroll, Lewis
1 Almera Hawley Canfield (1923) Canfield, Dorothy
1 Alone, With Ourselves (October 23, 1926) Dodd, Lee Wilson
2 America Magazine
1 America's Literary Stars (July 22, 1922)
2 American Language, The (1919) Mencken, H. L.
1 American Literature Moves On (December 1927) Austin, Mary
1 American Magazine
4 American Mercury
1 American Novel, The (1921) Van Doren, Carl
1 American Opera Keeps Struggling (May 1934) Henderson, W. J.
2 American Portraits (1946) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 American State University, The (1937) Foerster, Norman
1 Americana (October 11, 1922) Lovett, Robert Morss
2 Among New Books: Some Books of Short Stories (April 1921) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Amusing Comment on 'Daisy Ashford' (August 30, 1919)
1 Angel Street (1938) Hamilton, Patrick
1 Animal Behavior and the New Psychology (July 1910) Burroughs, John
2 Anna Karenina (1877) Tolstoy, Leo
1 Anthology of Animal Tales (1946) Sanderson, Ivan T.
2 Antony and Cleopatra Shakespeare, William
22 April Twilights (1903) Cather, Willa
22 April Twilights and Other Poems (1923) Cather, Willa
2 Arabian Nights
5 Army of Shadows (1944) Kessel, Joseph
3 Arrow of Gold, The (1919) Conrad, Joseph
1 Art of Fiction, The (1939) Hamilton, Clayton; Johnson, Burges; Tarkington, Booth; Matthews, Brander
1 Art of Miss Jewett, The (October 1904) Thompson, Charles Miner
2 Art of Terpsichore, The (1923) Albertieri, Luigi
1 Arts & Decoration
2 As You Were (1943) Woolcott, Alexander
1 Ask Me No More (1912) Akins, Zoë
1 Athenaeum, The
10 Atlantic Bookshelf, The (August 1931) Hawkins, Ethel Wallace
2 Atlantic Bookshelf, The (February 1937) Sedgwick, Ellery
1 Atlantic Bookshelf, The (January 1930) Chaffee, Z., Jr.
44 Atlantic Monthly
2 Atlantic's Bookshelf, The (November 1922) Bradford, Gamaliel
1 Auburn Granger
1 Audubon's America (1940) Audubon, John James; Peattie, John Culross
1 Auf der Hohe (1875) Auerbach, Berthold
2 Augustus (1937) Buchan, John (Lord Tweedsmuir)
2 Auld Lang Syne (1788) Burns, Robert
1 Aunt Cynthy Dallett (1899) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Autobiography, The Franklin, Benjamin
1 Autograph Edition of the Novels and Stories of Willa Cather, The (1937) Cather, Willa
1 Awkward Age, The (1899) James, Henry
2 Axe, The (1928) Undset, Sigrid
2 Babbitt (1922) Lewis, Sinclair
1 Bacchus and Ariadne (1520 to 1523) Titian
1 Ballad of London, A (1895) Le Gallienne, Richard
3 Baltimore Sun
1 Banquet of the Supreme Being, The (1878) Turgenev, Ivan
1 Basil Everman (1920) Singmaster, Elsie
1 Beatrice (1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Beautiful Blue Danube, The (1883) Wheeler Wilcox, Ella
1 Beethoven (1927) Sullivan, J. W. N.
1 Behind the Singer Tower (May 18, 1912) Cather, Willa Sibert
1 Bell for Adano, A (1944) Hersey, John
1 Bent Twig, The (1915) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Berlin Diary (1941) Shirer, William L.
1 Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
1 Best Books of Our Time, The (1928) Dickinson, Asa Don
10 Best Stories of Sarah Orne Jewett, The (1925) Jewett, Sarah Orne; Cather, Willa
4 Best Years, The (1948) Cather, Willa
1 Better Sort, The (1903) James, Henry
23 Bible, The
1 Big Four, The (1938) Lewis, Oscar
1 Big Parade, The (1925) Stallings, Laurence
1 Bird of Autumn, The (1895) Fields, Annie Adams
2 Birth of Personality, The: An Appreciation of Thomas Mann's Trilogy (June 6, 1936) Cather, Willa
1 Black Arrow, The (1888) Stevenson, Robert Louis
1 Black Beauty (1877) Sewell, Anna
6 Blue Mesa, The (unpublished) Cather, Willa
1 Blue Nigger Brewster, Earl
1 Blue Succory in War Time (1895) Fields, Annie Adams
16 Bohemian Girl, The (August 1912) Cather, Willa
1 Bohemian Girl, The (November 27, 1843) Balfe, Michael William; Bunn, Alfred
1 Bonfire (1933) Canfield Fisher, Dorothy
6 Book News Monthly
2 Book of French Wines, A (1925) Shand, Morton
3 Book-of-the-Month Club News
2 Book-of-the-Month Club News (December 1940) Canfield, Dorothy
2 Bookkeeper's Wife, The (May 1916) Cather, Willa
5 Bookman
4 Books (December 5, 1919) Broun, Heywood
1 Books and Authors (October 9, 1915) Mix, Jennie Irene
1 Books and Magazines: Vondel's Lucifer (October 3, 1898) Edwin Couse
1 Books of the Times (December 7, 1940) Poore, Charles
1 Books on Our Table (September 8, 1925) H.B. [Herschell Brickell]
4 Borgia (1929) Gale, Zona
1 Borzoi Battledore
1 Borzoi Reader, The (1936) Van Doren, Carl
1 Borzoi: 1920, The (1920)
1 Boston Advertiser
10 Boston Evening Transcript
3 Boston Herald
1 Boston Hymn (February 1863) Emerson, Ralph Waldo
1 Boswell and the Girl from Botany Bay (1937) Pottle, Frederick A.
1 Boy David, The (1936) Barrie, James M.
4 Boy's Will, A (1913) Frost, Robert
1 Brandeis: A Free Man's Life (1946) Mason, Alpheus Thomas
1 Bridge of San Luis Rey, The (1927) Wilder, Thornton
1 Bridge, The (1845) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
4 Bright Incidents (September 1931) Hicks, Granville
1 Brimming Cup, The (1921) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Broken Epic, A (October1, 1922) Lewisohn, Ludwig
1 Browning in Westminster Abbey (1893) James, Henry
1 Bryan, Bryan, Bryan, Bryan (1919) Lindsay, Vachel
1 Buccaneer, The (1925) Anderson, Maxwell and Laurence Stallings
1 Building of the Ship, The (1850) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
1 Burial of Sir John Moore after Corunna, The (1817) Wolfe, Charles
1 Byzantine Achievement, The (1929) Byron, Robert
1 Cabin in the Sky (1940)
3 Caesar's Gallic War (1886) Caesar, Julius; Allen, J. H.; Allen, W. F.; Judson, H. P.
1 Called Back (1884) Conway, Hugh
2 Camille (1852) Dumas fils, Alexandre
1 Canada under the Old Regime (1874) Parkman, Francis
1 Canal Folk of England, The (August 3, 1902) Cather, Willa Sibert
1 Candida, Plays Pleasant (1898) Shaw, George Bernard
1 Captains Courageous (1896) Kipling, Rudyard
1 Carmen (1845) Mérimée, Prosper
1 Carmen (1875) Georges Bizet
1 Cather, Willa (1929) Canby, Henry Seidel
1 Catherine the Great (1925) Anthony, Katharine
1 Cathers Celebate [sic] Fiftieth Anniversary with Reunion (December 10, 1922) [Cather, Willa]
1 Catholic World
1 Caught in the Circle (1902 to 1917) Remington, Frederic
14 Century Magazine
1 Chance Meeting, A (1936) Cather, Willa
11 Chance Meeting, A (February 1933) Cather, Willa
1 Chap-Book
1 Cherry Bough, The (1893) Guiney, Louise Imogen
1 Cherry Orchard, The (1904) Chekhov, Anton
1 Chicago Chronicle
2 Chicago Daily News
2 Chicago Evening Post
4 Chicago Tribune
1 Children and Older People (1931) Suckow, Ruth
1 Chinese Gordon (1933) Wortham, Hugh Evelyn
1 Christmas Carol (1911) Teasdale, Sara
2 Christmas Carol, A (1843) Dickens, Charles
1 Church Symbolism as Illustrated in Grace Episcopal Church, Amherst, Massachusetts (1945) Whicher, Harriet Fox
1 Church's One Foundation, The (1866) S. J. Stone
1 Churchill (1942) Gibbs-Smith, C. Harvard
1 Cinderella the Nth (January 1916) Mencken, H. L.
1 Circe (1912) Akins, Zoë
1 Claude Bovary (October 1922) Seldes, Gilbert
1 Cleopatra (1889) Haggard, Rider
2 Cleveland Plain Dealer
1 Cliff Dwellers and Cliff Dwellings of North America: A Selected Bibliography (1925) Guerber, Louise
2 Cloister and the Hearth, The (1859) Reade, Charles
2 College Reader, The (1936) Lovett, Robert Morss; Jones, Howard Mumford
5 Collier's Magazine
2 Colomba (1841) Mérimée, Prosper
2 Colophon
5 Coming, Aphrodite! (1920) Cather, Willa
4 Coming, Eden Bower! (1920) Cather, Willa
12 Commonweal
1 Concert, The (1934) Seibel, George
2 Congratulations from Willa Cather (July 24, 1927) Cather, Willa
1 Conquered, The (March 1906) Moorhead, Elizabeth
1 Conquistador (1932) MacLeish, Archibald
1 Consequences (November 1915) Cather, Willa
2 Contemporary American Authors (1928) Squire, John Collings, and associate critics of the London Mercury
3 Contemporary American Authors Part V (March 1926) Porterfield, Alexander
1 Contemporary American Novelists (January 12, 1921 to December 21, 1921) Van Doren, Carl
5 Contemporary American Novelists (July 27, 1921) Van Doren, Carl
1 Contemporary American Novelists, 1900-1920 (1922) Van Doren, Carl
1 Contemporary Reminiscences (April 1924) Rascoe, Burton
1 Contemporary Short Stories (1924) Robinson, Kenneth Allan
1 Contributor's Column, The (May 1931)
3 Conversation Piece (December 14, 1940) Canby, Henry Seidel
1 Corn is Green, The (1938) Williams, Emlyn
1 Correspondence (1887-1893) Flaubert, Gustave
2 Correspondence: Across a Chasm (October 21, 1922) Ponsonby, Marion
1 Corruption in Ancient Rome and Its Counterpart in Modern History (March, 1909) Ferrero, Guglielmo
1 Corsican Brother, The (February 24, 1852) Boucicault, Dion
1 Cosmopolitan
1 Cossacks, The (1878) Tolstoy, Leo
1 Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV (1877) Parkman, Francis
2 Count of Crow's Nest, The (September and October 1896) Cather, Willa
1 Count of Monte Cristo, The (1868) Dumas, Alexandre
2 Country of the Pointed Firs, The (1896) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Court of Boyville, The (1899) White, William Allen
2 Creative Evolution (1907) Bergson, Henri
1 Cremorne Gardens, No. 2 (ca. 1870-1880) Whistler, James McNeill
1 Criterion
5 Critic
1 Cryptography of Dante, The (1921) Arensberg, Walter
2 Cytherea (1922) Hergesheimer, Joseph
1 D. H. Lawrence (1934) Brewster, Earl; Brewster, Achsah
1 Dame Perdue, Une (1944) Cather, Willa
1 Damon and Pythias (1571) Edwards, Richard
1 Dance of Death: The Bishop (1526) Holbein, Hans
1 Dark Forest, The (1916) Walpole, Hugh
1 Daughters of the Poor, The (November 1909) Turner, George Kibbe
1 De strijd van de aartsbisschop (1937) Cather, Willa
1 Dear Folks at Home - - - (1919) Cooper, Courtney Ryley; Cowing, Kemper Frey
176 Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927) Cather, Willa
1 Death Comes for the Archbishop (January-June 1927)
5 Death In The Desert, A (January 1903) Cather, Willa
1 Death in the Afternoon (1932) Hemingway, Ernest
1 Death in the Desert, A (1905) Cather, Willa
2 Death in the Desert, A (October 26, 1927) Lovett, Robert Morss
1 Death of Ivan Ilyich, The (1886) Tolstoy, Leo
1 Death of a Hired Man, The (1914) Frost, Robert
7 December Night (1933) Cather, Willa
2 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776 to 1788) Gibbon, Edward
2 Decoration Day (1893) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Dedicatory (1903) Cather, Willa
2 Deepening Stream, The (1930) Canfield, Dorothy
1 Deephaven (1877) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Denver Republican
1 Der Tod kommt zum Erzbischof (1940) Cather, Willa
1 Deserted Village, The (1770) Goldsmith, Oliver
7 Dial
14 Diamond Mine, The (October 1916) Cather, Willa
1 Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (1868) Wagner, Richard
1 Die Wacht am Rhein (1854) Schneckenburger, Max; Wilhelm, Karl
1 Diminuendo (December 11, 1915) [Randolph Bourne]
1 Dinkey-Bird, The (1905) Maxfield Parrish
1 Disraeli (1911) Parker, Louis N.
1 Diverting History of John Gilpin, The (1782) Cowper, William
2 Doctor Looks at Literature, The (1923) Collins, Joseph
1 Doll's House, A (1879) Ibsen, Henrik
1 Don Giovanni (October 29, 1787) Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
1 Donald Marcy (1893) Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
1 Dora Williams (May 7, 1915) Masters, Edgar Lee; Akins, Zoë
6 Double Birthday (February 1929) Cather, Willa
1 Down by the Old Mill Stream (August 25, 1940)
1 Dramatic Essays of Charles Lamb, The (1891) Lamb, Charles
1 Dream of Spring (1828 to 1829) Schubert, Franz
2 Dulham Ladies, The (1886) Jewett, Sarah Orne
2 Dunnet Shepherdess, A (1899) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Dwelling Place, The (1943) Winslow, Anne Goodwin
1 Dybbuk, The (1918) Ansky, S.
4 Déclassée (1919) Akins, Zoë
1 Désert, Le (1895) Loti, Pierre
1 Døden henter Erkebiskopen (1940) Cather, Willa
2 Døden henter Ærkebiskoppen (1934) Cather, Willa
1 Early Americana and Other Stories (1936) Richter, Conrad
1 Early Essays (1919) Eliot, George
1 Earth Horizon (1932) Austin, Mary Hunter
1 East Lynne (1861) Wood, Ellen
1 East Side Industries (June 30, 1910)
3 Eclogues, The Virgil
1 Education You Have to Fight For, The (October 1919) Cather, Willa
1 Education for Death (1943) Ziemer, George
1 Education of Henry Adams, The (1918) Adams, Henry
1 Egyptian Princess, An (1864) Ebers, Georg Moritz
1 Ein Fichtenbaum Steht Einsam (1841) Heinrich Heine
1 Einer von Uns (1928) Mauk, Marielis
3 El Dorado (June 1901) Cather, Willa
1 El Palacio
1 Elijah (August 1846) Mendelssohn, Felix
1 Elleve Aar (1934) Undset, Sigrid
1 Empire D'Amour (1912) Akins, Zoë
2 Emporia Gazette
1 Enchanted Bluff, The (April 1908) Cather, Willa
1 Encyclopædia Britannica
3 Encyclopædia Britannica (1929)
1 Enemy Gods, The (1937) LaFarge, Oliver
1 Enemy of Society, An (1882) Ibsen, Henrik
1 Erinna (1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Escapism, A Letter from Willa Cather (April 27, 1936) Cather, Willa
1 Escapist, An (December 18, 1937) Connolly, Cyril
1 Essays in London and Elsewhere (1893) James, Henry
1 Essays, The (1625) Bacon, Francis
1 Esther (1856) Bradbury, William B.
1 Esther Waters (1894) Moore, George
1 Ethan Frome (1911) Wharton, Edith
1 Evelyn Innes (1898) Moore, George
2 Evening with A. E. Housman, An (1937) Clemens, Cyril
1 Everlasting Mercy, The (1911) Masefield, John Edward
3 Every Man a King (November 1, 1921) Newbranch, Harvey E.
2 Everybody's Magazine
2 Explosives (unpublished) Cather, Willa
1 Face Value (1927) J.L. Campbell
1 Fall, The (1918) Seibel, George
6 Familiar Letters of Augustus Saint-Gaudens Part 1 (October 1908) Nichols, Rose Standish
7 Familiar Letters of Augustus Saint-Gaudens Part 2 (November 1908) Nichols, Rose Standish
1 Family by the Sea, The Brewster, Earl
1 Famous Names Not on Uncle Sam's 5-Foot Bookshelf (January 18, 1920) Broun, Heywood
4 Fanny (Pittsburgh novel) (unpublished) Cather, Willa
1 Fanny Butcher Selects 10 Best Novels of 1940 (December 4, 1940) Butcher, Fanny
1 Fantasie in C, Op. 17 (1839) Schumann, Robert
1 Farrar's Life Story Anticipated by Novel of Singer's Carreer (October 1915)
1 Fathers and Sons (1862) Turgenev, Ivan
1 Fedra (1909) Gabriele D'Annunzio
1 Fiction Recalls Violinist Lost in War (December 24, 1922)
1 Fiction: Youth and the Bright Medusa (October 29, 1921)
1 Fidelio (1805) Beethoven, Ludwig Van
2 Field Book of American Trees and Shrubs (1915) Mathews, F. Schuyler
2 Field Book of American Wild Flowers (1902) Mathews, F. Schuyler
1 Figaro
1 First of the Moderns, The (October 1934) Bagger, Eugene
1 Fisherman, The (1915) Burroughs, Bryson
1 Flash in the Dark, A (unpublished) Cather, Willa
2 Flavia and Her Artists (1905) Cather, Willa
2 Flight of Betsey Lane, The (1893) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Flying Dutchman (1843) Wagner, Richard
1 Fodder (1925) Owen, Jennie Small
1 For Whom The Bell Tolls (October 21, 1940) Hemingway, Ernest
1 Ford, The (1917) Austin, Mary
1 Forty Years of Obscurity (January 1907) Milmine, Georgine
20 Forum
1 Fountain of the Great Lakes (1913) Taft, Lorado
1 Four Saints in Three Acts (1934) Thomson, Virgil; Stein, Gertrude
1 Fra Diavolo (1880) Auber, Daniel
1 France and England in North America (1865-1892) Parkman, Francis
1 Franz Shubert's Letters and Other Writings (1928) Schubert, Franz; Deutsch, Otto Erich
1 Freedom Speaks: Ideals of Democracy in Poetry and Prose (1943) Reynolds, George F.
1 Freeman, The
3 French Perspectives (1916) Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley
1 Friend Pays Tribute to Attorney Fred E. Maurer, A (August 8, 1945) S. R. Florance
1 From the Land of the Sky-Blue Water (1909) Cadman, Charles Wakefield
1 Fruits of the Earth, The (1907) Bynner, Witter
1 Frédéric Mistral (July 1915) Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley
3 Frémont (1928) Nevins, Allan
1 Frémont (1939) Nevins, Allan
1 Galveston (October 1906) Turner, George Kibbe
1 Garden Lodge, The (1905) Cather, Willa
1 Garibaldi and the Making of Italy (1911) Trevelyan, G. M.
1 Garibaldi and the Thousand (1909) Trevelyan, G. M.
1 Garibaldi's Defence of the Roman Republic (1907) Trevelyan, G. M.
3 Georgics Virgil
1 Ghosts (1882) Ibsen, Henrik
2 Gilbert White of Selborne (July 1910) Foerster, Norman
1 Gloucester Mother, The (October 17, 1908) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Going for Water (1913) Frost, Robert
1 Going to Shrewsbury (1890) Jewett, Sarah Orne
7 Gold Slipper, A (January 1917) Cather, Willa
1 Golden Age, The (1900) Grahame, Kenneth; Parrish, Maxfield
1 Golden Asse and Other Essays, The (1929) Chase, Mary Ellen
1 Golden Bowl, The (1904) James, Henry
1 Golden Legend, The (1851) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
2 Good Housekeeping
2 Good Novel, A (July 25, 1913) Dell, Floyd
2 Gossip on Criticism, A (February 1916) Garnett, Edward
1 Governor Hughes (March-April 1908) Hendrick, Burton J.
2 Grandmither, Think Not I Forget (1903) Cather, Willa Sibert
4 Grandmither, Think Not I Forget (April 1900) Cather, Willa
1 Grandmither, think not I forget (1913) Cather, Willa Sibert
1 Great American Fortunes and Their Making (November 1907) Hendrick, Burton
1 Great Divide, The (1906) Moody, William Vaughn
1 Great Expectations (1861) Dickens, Charles
1 Great Farewell, A (December 12, 1936)
1 Great Gatsby, The (1925) Fitzgerald, F. Scott
3 Great Novel Is Only a Dream but a Chapter in It Is Willa Sibert Cather's The Song of the Lark, The (November 1915) Boynton, H. W.
1 Great Stupidity, The (June 1921) Archer, William
2 Greatest American Novelist, The (January 3, 1938) Lewis, Sinclair
1 Greatness (1922) Akins, Zoë
1 Greeks Had a Word for It, The (1930) Akins, Zoë
1 Green Goddess, The (1921) Archer, William
1 Green Horses (unpublished) Luhan, Mabel Dodge
1 Green Mansions: A Romance of the Tropical Forest (1904) Hudson, William Henry
2 Grey of Fallodon (1937) Trevelyan, George Macaulay
1 Grimm's Fairy Tales (1812) Grimm, Jacob; Grimm, Wilhelm
1 Guests of Mrs. Timms, The (1895) Jewett, Sarah Orne
3 Gunnar's Daughter (1936) Undset, Sigrid
1 Hamlet Shakespeare, William
4 Hamlet of the Plains, A (September 16, 1922) Lewis, Sinclair
1 Hans Brinker (1896) Dodge, Mary Mapes
1 Happy Days (1940) Mencken, H. L.
3 Happy Endings (1909) Guiney, Louise Imogen
2 Happy Times in Norway (1942) Undset, Sigrid
7 Hard Punishments (unpublished) Cather, Willa
11 Harper's Magazine
1 Harpers Weekly
1 Harvard Monthly
1 Hastings Daily Tribune
1 Hawthorn Tree, The (1903) Cather, Willa
1 Heavenly Twins, The (1893) Grand, Sarah
1 Hedda Gabler (1890) Ibsen, Henrik
2 Heidi (1881) Spyri, Johanna
1 Helen (May, 1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Helen of Troy (1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Helen of Troy and Other Poems (1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Hell, Banbrytare! (1919) Cather, Willa
1 Henry IV, Part 1 Shakespeare, William
1 Henry IV, Part 2 Shakespeare, William
5 Her Boss (October 1919) Cather, Willa
1 Her Son's Wife (1926) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Heroes of the Cherry Mine (March 1910) Wyatt, Edith
1 Heroes, The (1856) Kingsley, Charles
8 Hesperian
1 Hickville-on-the-Hudson (October 8, 1922) White, William Allan
2 High Mowing (1932) Canby, Marion
1 Higher Critic, A (March 1897) Seibel, George
2 Hills Grow Smaller, The (1937) Akins, Zoë
1 Hills of Kentucky (1927)
2 Hiltons' Holiday, The (1893) Jewett, Sarah Orne
3 Histoire de France (1855) Michelet, Jules
3 Histoire de France (1860) Michelet, Jules
1 Histoire des Treiz (The Thirteen) (1833) Balzac, Honoré de
1 History and Legend of Antony and Cleopatra, The (April, 1909) Ferrero, Guglielmo
1 History and Settlement of Grand Manan, The (1936) Howe, Jonas
3 History of Henry Esmond, The (1852) Makepeace Thackeray, William
1 History of the Conquest of Mexico, The (1904) Prescott, William H.; Munro, Wilfred Harold
1 History of the Standard Oil Company, The (1902 to 1904) Tarbell, Ida
2 History of the Standard Oil Company, The (1904) Tarbell, Ida
3 History of the Valley of Virginia, A (1833) Kercheval, Samuel
1 Holmes-Pollock Letters, The (1941) Pollock, Frederick; Holmes, Oliver; Howe, Mark DeWolfe
3 Homage to Willa Cather (1946-1947) Brown, E.K.
15 Home Monthly
1 Home Place, The (1936) Thomas, Dorothy
1 Home to Our Mountains (1853) Verdi, Giuseppe
1 Hound of Heaven, The (1900) Thompson, Francis
1 House in Paris, The (1936) Bowen, Elizabeth
1 House of the Seven Gables, The (1851) Hawthorne, Nathaniel
10 House on Charles Street, The (November 4, 1922) Cather, Willa
1 Housman as a Conversationalist (Winter, 1936) Clemens, Cyril
1 How It Strikes a Contemporary (October 1922) Cross, Wilbur
4 Huckleberry Finn (1884) Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens)
1 Humpy (1931) Ershov, P. P.
1 Hungarian Rhapsody No.14 (1853) Liszt, Franz
2 Hunter's Moon of Miss Cather's Style Rising Above the Walls of Old Quebec, The (July 31, 1931) Stallings, Laurence
1 Hunter, The (1907) Wyeth, N. C.
2 Huntsman, What Quarry? (1939) Millay, Edna St. Vincent
2 Hurricane, The Hills, Laura Coombs
1 Hypatia (1853) Kingsley, Charles
2 I Hear America (1937) Loggins, Vernon
1 I Was Winston Churchill’s Private Secretary (1941) Moir, Phyllis
1 I, Too, Have Lived in Arcadia (1941) Lowndes, Marie Belloc
1 Idealized New England (May 8, 1915) Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley
1 Ideas of M. Brodard, The (1923) Canfield, Dorothy
2 Idiot, The (1868) Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
1 Idol, The
1 Il mio mortale nemico (1946) Cather, Willa
1 Iliad, The Homer
1 In Memoriam A.H.H. (1850) Tennyson, Alfred
1 In Memory of Swinburne (1912) Akins, Zoë
1 In Search of Lost Time (À la recherche du temps perdu) (1913) Proust, Marcel
1 In the Blue Ridge (May, 1911) Tilford Dargan, Olivia
1 In the Heart of a Fool (1918) White, William Allen
3 In the Shadow of Parnassus (February 19 to August 13, 1915) Akins, Zoë
1 Indian Lament (1893) Dvořák, Antonín
1 Indianapolis Star
1 Inert Perfection (1939) Millay, Edna St. Vincent
1 Inexorable, The (unpublished) Cather, Willa
1 Ingomar the Barbarian (1851) Halm, Friedrich
1 Inland Voyage, An (1878) Stevenson, Robert Louis
3 Interpretations: A Book of First Poems (1912) Akins, Zoë
3 Intimate Memories (1933) Luhan, Mabel Dodge
1 Iolanthe (1882) Sullivan, Arthur; W. S. Gilbert
1 Irresponsibles, The (1940) MacLeish, Archibald
1 Issues of To-Day
2 It Seems to Me (September 13, 1922) Broun, Heywood
1 It Seems to Me (September 19, 1922) Akins, Zoë
1 It's a Long Way to Tipperary (1912) Williams, Henry James; Judge, Jack
1 Ivan Tourgeuéneff D'après sa Correspondance Avec ses Amis Français (1901) Halpérine-Kaminsky, E.
1 Ivanhoe (1819) Scott, Sir Walter
1 Jack-A-Boy (March 30, 1901) Cather, Willa
1 Java Head (1918) Hergesheimer, Joseph
1 Jean-Christophe (1904) Romain Rolland
1 Jenny (1915) Undset, Sigrid
1 Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, The (1925) Thwaites, Reuben Gold; Kenton, Edna
2 John A. Brashear of Pittsburgh (April 1911) Brewster, Edwin Tenney
1 Johnson without Boswell (1941) Kingsmill, Hugh
1 Joint in the Harness, The (March 1910) Luk-Oie, Ole
3 Joseph and His Brothers (1933 to 1944) Mann, Thomas
2 Joseph and His Brothers (1936) Cather, Willa
1 Journal of Katherine Mansfield (1927) Mansfield, Katherine; Murry, J. Middleton
3 Journey for Margaret (1941) White, W. L.
2 Joy of Nelly Deane, The (October 1911) Cather, Willa
1 Jungle Book, The (1894) Kipling, Rudyard
1 Jurgen (1919) Cabell, James Branch
2 Justice Holmes in His Letters (March 23, 1941) Commager, Henry Steele
1 Kansas (April 19, 1922) White, William Allen
1 Kansas City Star
1 Katharine Mansfield (1936) Cather, Willa
2 Katherine Mansfield (1925) Cather, Willa
1 Kidnapped (1886) Stevenson, Robert Louis
3 King Lear Shakespeare, William
1 Kit Carson, The Happy Warrior of the Old West (1928) Vestal, Stanley
1 Knock, Knock, Knock, and Other Stories (1921) Turgenev, Ivan
1 Knot Hole, The (Spring 1943) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Konek-Gorbunok (1834) Ershov, P. P.
1 Kreutzer Sonata, The (1889) Tolstoy, Leo
1 Kristin Lavransdatter (1920 to 1922) Undset, Sigrid
1 LOST! A Lady! FOUND! An Artist! (March-April 1926) Cowley, Malcolm
1 La Dame aux Camélias (The Lady of the Camellias) (1848) Dumas, Alexandre
1 La Dame aux Camélias (The Lady of the Camellias) (1852) Dumas, Alexandre
4 La Nouvelle Revue Française
8 Ladies Home Journal
1 Lady Hamilton as 'Nature' (1782) Romney, George
1 Lady of Shallott, The (1832) Tennyson, Alfred
1 Lament For Marsyas (1903) Cather, Willa
1 Lamia (1820) Keats, John
1 Land o' the Leal, The (1797 to 1798) Nairne, Carolina Oliphant
2 Landet långt borta (1938) Cather, Willa
1 Landfall (1940) Shute, Nevil
1 Larksangen (1920) Cather, Willa
1 Lasso
1 Last Days of Pompeii, The (1835) Medina, Louisa
1 Last Million, The (1918) Beith, John Hay
1 Last Puritan, The (1935) Santayana, George
1 Last Rose of Summer, The (1805) Moore, Thomas
1 Latest Works of Fiction (October 3, 1920)
8 Latest Works of Fiction (September 10, 1922) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
4 Laughing Boy (1930) LaFarge, Oliver
1 Laughing Horse
1 Lawrence and Brett (1933) Brett, Dorothy
1 Le Roman d'un spahi (1881) Loti, Pierre
1 Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Black) (1830) Stendhal
1 Lead, Kindly Light (1845) Newman, John Henry
1 Leaves from a Missionary's Notebook (1937) Tennant, Stephen
1 Less than the Cloud to the Wind (1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Lesson of Landscape, The (1893) Meynell, Alice
2 Letter from A. E. Housman, A (October 1936) Abeel, Neilson
10 Letter from Willa Cather to the Editor of the Commonweal, A (November 27, 1927) Cather, Willa
1 Letter to the Editor (November 25, 1922) Birtwell, Lorna
1 Letters of D. H. Lawrence, The (1932) Lawrence, D. H.; Huxley, Aldous
2 Letters of Sarah Orne Jewett (1911) Fields, Annie
1 Letters of Sarah Wyman Whitman (1907) Whitman, Sarah Wyam
1 Lettres à Madame Viardot (1907) Turgenev, Ivan; Halpérine-Kaminsky, E.
1 Lettres à sa Nièce Caroline (1906) Flaubert, Gustave
1 Lettres à une inconnue (1874) Mérimée, Prosper
1 Lewis Praises the Work of Nebraska Authoress (April 9, 1921)
1 Libel! (1934 to 1936) Wooll, Edward
1 Liberator, The
1 Library
1 Library and the Museum Therein, The
3 Life
1 Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, The (1922) Hendrick, Burton Jesse
1 Life of Bishop Laval (1926) Scott, Abbé Henry Arthur
2 Life of Marlborough (1938) Churchill, Winston
21 Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science, The (1907 to 1908) Milmine, Georgine
1 Life of Samuel Johnson, The (1791) Boswell, James
2 Life of Thomas Bailey Aldrich, The (1908) Greenslet, Ferris
4 Life of the Right Reverend Joseph P. Machebeuf, The (1908) Howlett, William Joseph
1 Light of Asia, The (1879) Arnold, Edwin
1 Likeness, A (June 4, 1915) Cather, Willa; Akins, Zoë
2 Likeness/(Portrait Bust of an Unknown, Capitol, Rome), A (December 1913) Cather, Willa
1 Lincoln Evening News
1 Lincoln Star
2 Literary Digest
1 Literary Letter, A (September 13, 1913) Shorter, Clement
3 Literary Review of the New York Evening Post
1 Literature of the United States, The (1946) Blair, Walter; Hornberger, Theodore; Stewart, Randall
1 Litte Pierre (1918) France, Anatole
2 Little Book of Modern Verse (1913) Rittenhouse, Jessie B.
1 Little Boy Blue (1891) Nevin, Ethelbert
1 Little Foxes, The (1939) Hellman, Lillian
4 Little French Girl, The (1924) Sedgwick, Anne Douglas
1 Little Guinever (1895) Fields, Annie Adams
1 Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886) Burnett, Frances Hodgson
1 Little Teacher, The (1918) Smith, H. J.
1 Little Willie (1895) Field, Eugene
1 Locrine (1887) Swinburne, Algernon Charles
2 Lohengrin (1850) Wagner, Richard
1 London Daily Mail
3 London Mercury
1 Long Trail, A (November 1891) Kipling, Rudyard
1 Longest Years, The (1935) Undset, Sigrid
4 Lorenzo in Taos (1932) Luhan, Mabel Dodge
58 Lost Lady, A (1923) Cather, Willa
2 Lost Lady, A (1924)
1 Lost Leader, The (1918) Robinson, Lennox
1 Lotte in Weimar (1939) Mann, Thomas
1 Louisa May Alcott (1938) Anthony, Katharine
1 Louisa in the Laboratory (February 2, 1938) Canby, Henry Seidel
1 Love Among the Artists (November 1920) Dell, Floyd
2 Love of Friends (May 1910) Guiney, Louise Imogen
2 Loyalties (1922) Galsworthy, John
1 Lucifer (1654) Van den Vondel, Joost
52 Lucy Gayheart (1935) Cather, Willa
1 Lucy Gayheart (March-July 1935) Cather, Willa
1 Lycidas (1638) Milton, John
1 Lyrical Interlude (1822 to 1823) Heinrich Heine
1 Made-To-Order Stories (1925) Canfield Fisher, Dorothy
2 Magic Mountain, The (1924) Mann, Thomas
1 Magical City, The (1916) Akins, Zoë
2 Mai Amerikai dekameron (1935) József Reményi
2 Main Street (1920) Lewis, Sinclair
1 Mainly Fiction (March 1919) Mencken, H. L.
2 Making of a Singer, The (May 1916) Alice Maynell.
1 Man Who Came to Dinner, The (1939) Hart, Moss; Kaufman, George S.
5 Man Who Wrote 'Narcissus', The (November 1900) Cather, Willa
1 Man at the Edge of Things, The (September 1899) Peattie, Elia W.
1 Man of Iron, The (1915) Graves, Clotilde
3 Manchester Guardian
1 Manon-"Ah! fuyez douce image!" (1911) Enrico Caruso
1 Manual of Rocky Mountain Botany (1885) Coulter, John Merle
1 Many Marriages (1923) Anderson, Sherwood
1 Many Soldiers (1915) Masters, Edgar Lee
1 Marcel Proust (1927) Pierre-Quint, Léon
1 Marianna Alcoforando (1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Mark Twain (1912) Paine, Albert Bigelow
1 Mark Twain (1936) Phelps, William Lyon
2 Mark Twain Quarterly
1 Marmion (1808) Scott, Walter, Sir
2 Marriage Of Phaedra, The (1905) Cather, Willa
2 Marriage à La Mode (January to June 1909) Ward, Mrs. Humphry [Mary Augusta]
2 Martha (1847) Flotow, Friederich von
2 Martha's Lady (1899) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Martian, The (1898) du Maurier, George
1 Mary of Scotland: A Play in Three Acts (1933) Anderson, Maxwell
2 Master Builder, The (1893) Ibsen, Henrik
1 Masters of Russian Music (1936) Abraham, Gerald; Calvocoressi, Peter
134 McClure's Magazine
1 Meadowlands, The (unpublished) Florance, Sidney
1 Memoirs of the Harvard Dead in the War Against Germany Volumes 1-5 (1920 to 1924) Howe, M. A. De Wolfe
8 Memories of a Hostess (1922) Howe, M. A. De Wolfe
1 Memory (1885) Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
9 Men and Images (August 22, 1931) Cross, Wilbur
3 Merchant of Venice, The Shakespeare, William
1 Message of the Bells, The, or, What Happened to Us on Christmas Eve (1942) Van Loon, Hendrick
1 Metamorphoses, The (8 AD) Ovid
1 Metropolitan
2 Midsummer Night's Dream, A Shakespeare, William
1 Mikado, The (March 14, 1885) Sullivan, Arthur; Gilbert, W.S.
1 Milestones (1912) Bennett, Arnold
1 Mirage of Experience, A (November 14, 1920) Lowell, Amy
1 Miss Cather Speaks Again (November 1931) Woollcott, Alexander
3 Miss Cather's Business as an Artist (September 1927) West, Rebecca
1 Miss Cather's Story of a Prima Donna From the Western Desert (October 9, 1915) Ford, James L.
3 Miss Jewett (1936) Cather, Willa
1 Miss Tempy's Watchers (1888) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Miss Willa Cather's 'The Song of the Lark' (October 1915) Peattie, Elia W.
1 Moby Dick (1851) Melville, Herman
2 Modern American Prose (1934) Van Doren, Carl
1 Modern Essays (1924) Morley, Christopher
3 Modern Galaxy, A (1930) Warren, Dale
2 Modern Writers at Work (1930) Piercy, Josephine K.
1 Moderna Amerikaner (1925) Berg, Ruben G.
6 Mon Antonia (1924) Cather, Willa
1 Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres (1904) Adams, Henry
1 Moon Is Down, The (1942) Steinbeck, John
1 Moonlight Sonata (1802) Beethoven, Ludwig Van
1 Moose Call, The (1904) Wyeth, N. C.
4 Morals and Art from the West (December 14, 1918) Bourne, Randolph
1 More Poems (1936) Housman, A. E.
1 More or Less Personal (February 26, 1904)
1 More or Less Personal (March 4, 1904)
1 Morgenbladet
2 Mort et L'archevêque, La (1940) Cather, Willa
3 Morte Viene per L'archivescovo, La (1936) Cather, Willa
2 Mortmain (October 1907 to March 1908) Dwight, Harrison Griswold
1 Moses and Monotheism (1939) Freud, Sigmund
1 Mother Goose rhymes
1 Mountain, The (1915) Frost, Robert
1 Mowing (1913) Frost, Robert
1 Mozart (1931) Davenport, Marcia
1 Mr. Lewis's Nobel Prize (November 6, 1930)
1 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Fields (July 1915) James, Henry
1 Mr. and Mrs. James T. Fields (June, 1915) James, Henry
1 Mrs. Eddy and Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (February 1907) Milmine, Georgine
1 Mrs. Wharton and Some Others (October 1922) Rascoe, Burton
1 Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare, William
1 Muerte Viene Hacia el Arzobispo, La (1944) Cather, Willa
1 Musical America
4 Musical Courier
7 My Autobiography (1914) McClure, S. S.; Cather, Willa
4 My Autobiography by S.S. McClure (October 1913 to May 1914) Cather, Willa
1 My Country, 'Tis of Thee (1831) Smith, Samuel Francis
1 My Dear Edmund Wilson (February 13, 1937)
2 My First Novels (there were two) (1931) Cather, Willa
1 My Friends the Spiritualists (1910) Münsterberg, Hugo
2 My Life (1880) Wagner, Richard
1 My Little Sister (1912) Robins, Elizabeth
30 My Mortal Enemy (1926) Cather, Willa
4 My Mortal Enemy is a Masterpiece, by Willa Cather (October 23, 1926) Butcher, Fanny
4 My Nebraska Antonia (October 6, 1918) Overton, Grant
1 My Partner (1879) Campbell, Bartley
1 My Shocking Hymn of Hate (October 23, 1921) Abbott, Keene
1 My diaries, being a personal narrative of events, 1888-1914 (1921) Blunt, Wilfred Scawen
202 My Ántonia (1918) Cather, Willa
1 Mère Marie of the Ursulines (1931) Repplier, Agnes
1 Naissance de la Vierge, La (1660) Murrillo, Bartolomé Esteban
1 Name and Nature of Poetry, The (1933) Housman, A.E.
1 Namesake, The (March 1907) Cather, Willa
2 Narcissus (1891) Nevin, Ethelbert
1 Nase Tonicka; Dobrodruzný román ces. Pionýru v amer. Prériích (1922) Cather, Willa
20 Nation
1 National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, The (1930-1978)
1 National Geographic Magazine
1 National Letters, The (January 23, 1922) Mencken, H. L.
1 National Stockman and Farmer, The
1 Native Voice (March 4, 1925) Luhan, Mabel Dodge
1 Nature in American Literature (1923) Foerster, Norman
5 Nebraska (1923) Cather, Willa
13 Nebraska State Journal
3 Neighbour Rosicky (1932) Cather, Willa
4 Neighbour Rosicky (April 1930) Cather, Willa
1 Neophyte, The (1875) Doré, Gustave
1 Nero (April, 1909) Ferrero, Guglielmo
1 New Bedford Standard
2 New England (1940) Brooks, Van Wyck
3 New England Magazine
1 New Grub Street (1891) Gissing, George
1 New Heroine and a New Country Appear, A (July 7, 1913) E.U.S.
4 New Poetry, The (1917) Monroe, Harriet; Henderson, Alice C.
14 New Republic
1 New Republic Anthology, 1915-1936, The (1936) Conklin, Groff; Bliven, Bruce
2 New Types of Acting: The Character Actor Displaces the Star (February 1914) Cather, Willa
1 New Voices (1919) Wilkinson, Marguerite
1 New York Evening Mail
12 New York Evening Post
8 New York Globe and Commercial Advertiser
2 New York Herald
7 New York Herald Tribune
8 New York Sun
23 New York Times
7 New York Times Book Review
7 New York Tribune
4 New York World
1 New Yorker, The
1 Newark Bay (September 1916) Dwight, Harrison Griswold
1 Nicolas Gogol (November 1851) Mérimée, Prosper
1 Nigger of the Narcissus (1897) Conrad, Joseph
1 Night (1925) Jeffers, Robinson
3 Nightingale, The (1914) Ellenor Stoothoff
1 Nordica In Fiction (September 28, 1916)
1 Norma (December 26, 1831) Bellini, Vincenzo
5 North of Boston (1914) Frost, Robert
4 North to the Orient (1935) Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
1 Nos voisins Rosicky (May-July 1945) Cather, Willa
1 Not So Far as the Forest (1939) Millay, Edna St. Vincent
26 Not Under Forty (1936) Cather, Willa
1 Notes of a Son and Brother (March 1914) James, Henry
5 Notre Dame de Paris (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame) (1831) Hugo, Victor
7 Novel Démeublé, The (April 12, 1922) Cather, Willa
1 O Evening Star (1936) Akins, Zoë
71 O Pioneers! (1913) Cather, Willa
1 O, Rest in the Lord (1846) Mendelssohn, Felix
26 Obscure Destinies (1932) Cather, Willa
1 Obstacles to Peace (1917) McClure, S. S.
1 Ode on Beauty (January 1910) Akins, Zoë
1 Ode to Harvard and Other Poems, An (1907) Bynner, Witter
1 Ode to Harvard, An (1907) Bynner, Witter
1 Oh! That We Two Were Maying (1888) Nevin, Ethelbert; Kingsley, Charles
2 Old Beauty, The (1948) Cather, Willa
1 Old Chester Tales (1898) Deland, Margaret
1 Old Fashioned Flowers: Delightful Collection of Pastels by Miss Hills at Copley Gallery—Original and Exquisite Works (November 1921) W. H. D. [William Howe Downs]
2 Old Jules (1935) Sandoz, Mari
1 Old Maid, The (1925) Wharton, Edith
2 Old Maid, The (1935) Akins, Zoë
14 Old Mrs. Harris (1932) Cather, Willa
2 Old Soldiers Never Die
1 Old Town, The (1909) Riis, Jacob
2 Olive, The (1902) Housman, A. E.
1 Omaha Bee
1 Omaha Daily News
4 Omaha World-Herald
4 Omar Khayyam (unpublished) Seibel, George
1 Omens Akins, Zoë
1 On The Divide (January 1896) Cather, Willa
1 On The Gulls' Road (December 1908) Cather, Willa
126 One of Ours (1922) Cather, Willa
1 Only Rose, The (1895) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Onward
1 Onward, Christian Soldiers (1871) Baring-Gould, Sabine; Sullivan, Arthur
2 Open Letter to H.L. Mencken, An (May 1922) Walpole, Hugh
1 Ordeal of Mark Twain, The (1920) Brooks, Van Wyck
1 Orlando (1928) Woolf, Virginia
1 Ormen och Korset (November 16, 1938) Österling, Anders
1 Otello (1887) Verdi, Guiseppe
4 Othello Shakespeare, William
4 Other Men's Flowers (1945) Wavell, Archibald
1 Other Side of the Door, The (May 24, 1913) Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley
1 Otto of the Silver Hand (1888) Pyle, Howard
1 Our Hispanic Southwest (1916) Ernest Peixotto
2 Our Town (1938) Wilder, Thornton
1 Outbound Road, The (1919) Mulder, Arnold
3 Outlook, The
1 Overland Monthly
2 Oxford Anthology of American Literature, The (1938) Benét, William Rose; Pearson, Norman Holmes
2 Palatine, The (1917) Cather, Willa; Monroe, Harriet; Henderson, Alice C.
1 Palatine, The (1923) Cather, Willa
2 Palatine/(In the 'Dark Ages'), The (June 1909) Cather, Willa
1 Paloma, La (1859) Iradier, Sebastián
1 Pan Tadeusz (1834) Mickiewicz, Adam
1 Paradox (1903) Cather, Willa
1 Parreño, El
4 Parsifal (July 26, 1882) Wagner, Richard
2 Patience (April 23, 1881) Sullivan, Arthur; Gilbert, W.S.
10 Paul's Case (1905) Cather, Willa
2 Paul's Case (1920) Cather, Willa
1 Paul's Case (1925) Cather, Willa; Clark, Barrett H.; Lieber, Maxim
1 Pelle the Conqueror (1906) Martin Anderson Nexö
1 Perennial Bachelor, The (1925) Parrish, Anne
1 Perfect Voice. For Julia Marlowe, The (1912) Akins, Zoë
1 Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant, The (1885) Grant, Ulysses S.
2 Peter Pan (1904) Barrie, James M.
1 Phases of American Religion in Thorton Wilder and Willa Cather (May 1932) MacNamera, R.
2 Philadelphia Record
1 Piano Sonata No. 13 (April 21, 1784) Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
1 Piano Trio in B Flat Major, Op. 97Archduke Trio (April 11, 1814) Beethoven, Ludwig van
1 Pierre Curie (1923) Curie, Marie; Kellogg, Charlotte; Kellogg, Vernon L.
1 Pilgrim Joy (unpublished) Cather, Willa
1 Pilgrim's Progress, The (1678) Bunyan, John
2 Pilgrim's Way (1940) Buchan, John (Lord Tweedsmuir)
1 Pilgrims of '48 (1930) Goldmark, Josephine
1 Pillars of Society (1878) Ibsen, Henrik
1 Pioneers of France in the New World (1865) Parkman, Francis
2 Pioneers, O Pioneers! (1865) Whitman, Walt
1 Piper, The (1909) Peabody, Josephine Preston
1 Pittsburgh Daily News
1 Pittsburgh Dispatch
1 Pittsburgh Gazette
1 Pittsburgh Gazette-Times
11 Pittsburgh Leader
2 Pittsburgh Poet's Volume of Verse, A (April 26, 1903) Seibel, George
1 Pittsburgh Post
1 Pittsburgh Times
1 Playboy of the Western World, The (1907) Synge, John Millington
4 Player Letters (unpublished) Cather, Willa
2 Plays of Real Life (March 1913) Cather, Willa
1 Poems of Passion (1883) Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
1 Poetry
1 Poets of the Younger Generation (1902) Archer, William
5 Points of View: 'Shadows on the Rock,' A Letter by Willa Cather (October 17, 1931) Cather, Willa
3 Poor Marty (May 1931) Cather, Willa
1 Poppies On Ludlow Castle (1903) Cather, Willa
1 Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, A (1869) Guizot, M. (François)
1 Popular Mechanics
1 Portage Wisconsin (1928) Gale, Zona
1 Portrait of Mary I, Queen of England (c. 1555-1558) Anthonis Mor and workshop
9 Portrait of Willa Cather (1923) Bakst, Léon
1 Portrait of a Lady, The (1881) James, Henry
2 Portrait of an American Citizen (October 1922) Mencken, H. L.
1 Portrait of the Publisher as a Young Man (1940) Cather, Willa
3 Practical Cogitator, The; or Thinker's Anthology, The (1945) Curtis, Charles P.; Greenslet, Ferris
1 Prairie Dawn and Willa Cather (September 10, 1922) Rascoe, Burton
1 Prairie Schooner
1 Prairie Spring (December 1912) Cather, Willa
1 Precipice, The (1914) Peattie, Elia W.; Smith, Howard E.
1 Preface (1925) Cather, Willa; Hall, Gertrude Brownell
2 Priest or Pagan (1933) Oliver, John Rathbone
1 Princess Napraxine (1884) Ouida
1 Prisoner of Chillon, The (1816) Byron, Lord
1 Prisoner, The (1923) Proust, Marcel
1 Private Enterprise (1947) Thirkell, Angela
1 Prochainement Aphrodite (1925) Cather, Willa
1 Prodigal Parents, The (1938) Lewis, Sinclair
1 Professor's Commencement, The (June 1902) Cather, Willa
38 Professor's House, The (1925) Cather, Willa
5 Profile, The (June 1907) Cather, Willa
1 Provençal Legend (1903) Cather, Willa
1 Psalm of Life, A (October 1838) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
2 Publishers Weekly
2 Puck of Pook's Hill (1906) Kipling, Rudyard
1 Punch
1 Puritan, The (1887) St. Gaudens, Augustus
2 Putnam's Magazine
2 Pêcheur d'Islande (1886) Loti, Pierre
1 Quack-Novels and Democracy (June 1915) Wister, Owen
1 Quebec in Pastel (September 30, 1931) Williams, Michael
1 Queen's Quair, The (1904) Hewlett, Maurice Henry
2 Queen's Twin, The (1899) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Quentin Durward (1823) Scott, Sir Walter
1 Quick and the Dead, The (1933) Bullett, Gerald
1 Quiet Backwater, A (1921) Turgenev, Ivan
1 Quimby Controversy, The (March 1907) Milmine, Georgine
1 Rain, Rain! (1917) Akins, Zoë
1 Raw Material (1923) Canfield, Dorothy
1 Readers and Writers (November 28, 1915)
1 Realism and Recent American Fiction (April 1916) Boynton, H. W.
1 Realm of Matter, The (1930) Santayana, George
1 Recollections of the Kings and Queens of Europe (January 1910) Paoli, Xavier
1 Recollections of the Shah of Persia (March 1910) Paoli, Xavier
1 Recruit, The (1896) Housman, A. E.
1 Red Badge of Courage, The (1895) Crane, Stephen
1 Red Bread (1931) Hindus, Maurice
1 Red Cloud Chief
20 Red Cloud Commercial Advertiser
3 Red Cloud Republican
2 Red Cross Magazine
1 Reedy's Mirror
3 Reflections on Prose Fiction (May 1922) Mencken, H. L.
1 Remembrance of Things Past (1913 to 1917) Proust, Marcel
1 Reminiscences Of Lady Randolph Churchill, The (1908) George Cornwallis West, Mrs.
1 Requiem in D Minor (1791) Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
2 Reservationist's Impressions of Willa Cather's New Mexican Catholic Missionaries of 1850, A (September 3, 1927) Newman, Frances
1 Restlessness Such as Ours Does Not Make for Beauty (December 21, 1924) Feld, Rose C.
1 Resurrection, A (April 1897) Cather, Willa
1 Return of Willa Cather, The (July 31, 1932) Chamberlain, John
1 Return to Yesterday (1938) Ford, Ford Maddox
3 Return to the Future (1942) Undset, Sigrid
1 Revaluation, A (February 12, 1922) Boyd, Thomas
1 Reviews from Readers: Various Points of View Expressed About Maugham and May Sinclair (November 29, 1919)
1 Reynard the Fox (1919) Masefield, John
1 Rhymed Reviews: The Song of the Lark (October 1915) Guiterman, Arthur
1 Rhythm of Life and Other Essays, The (1893) Meynell, Alice
2 Richard II Shakespeare, William
1 Richard to Minna Wagner (1909) Ellis, William Ashton
1 Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798) Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
2 Ring and the Book, The (1868 to 1869) Browning, Robert
1 Rise of Silas Lapham, The (1885) Howells, W. D.
1 Rising of the Moon, The (1907) Augusta, Lady Gregory
1 River Charles, The (1895) Fields, Annie
1 Road at Night, The (May 1907) Graves, William Lucius
2 Roadside Harp, The (1893) Guiney, Louise Imogen
1 Roan Stallion (1925) Jeffers, Robinson
1 Robe, The (1943) Douglas, Lloyd C.
3 Robinson Crusoe (1719) Defoe, Daniel
1 Rocky Mountain Flowers (1914) Clements, Frederick E.; Clements, Edith Gertrude Schwartz
1 Rocky Mountain News
2 Roll Call on the Prairies (July 1919) Cather, Willa
1 Roman and the Teuton, The (1864) Kingsley, Charles
1 Romance of Western Pioneers (July 5, 1913) Peattie, Elia
1 Romans on the Riviera and the Rhone, The (1898) Hall, W. H.
1 Rondo in G, Op. 129 (1795-1798) Beethoven, Ludwig van
1 Rondo in G, Op. 51, no. 2 (1797) Beethoven, Ludwig van
1 Room of One's Own, A (1929) Woolf, Virginia
1 Rose and the Ring, The (1855) Thackeray, William Makepeace
1 Rose, The (unpublished) Florance, Sidney
4 Rough Hewn (1922) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
2 Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (1859) FitzGerald, Edward
1 Russian Dance of Death (1930) Gora, Dirk
1 SOS: A Book of Sea Adventures (1933) Masters, David
1 Saga of Greenland, A (February 1943) Undset, Sigrid
1 Sagas of Saints (1934) Undset, Sigrid
1 Sailor's Return, The (1925) Garnett, David
3 Salammbo (1862) Flaubert, Gustave
1 Salem Revisited (February 22, 1919) M.A.
1 San Francisco Chronicle
2 Sapho (1884) Daudet, Alphonse
73 Sapphira and the Slave Girl (1940) Cather, Willa
1 Sappho (1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Sappho to a Swallow on the Ground (February 1910) Akins, Zoë
1 Sarah Orne Jewett (1929) Matthiessen, Francis O.
1 Sartor Resartus (1833) Carlyle, Thomas
4 Saturday Evening Post
1 Saturday Night
6 Saturday Review of Literature
1 Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art
7 Scandal (August 1919) Cather, Willa
1 Scandinavian Review
1 Scenes From Italy's War (1919) Trevelyan, George Macaulay
2 School Of Femininity, The (1936) Lawrence, Margaret
3 Science and Health with Key To The Scriptures (1881) Eddy, Mary Baker
10 Scribner's Magazine
1 Sculptor's Funeral, The (1905) Cather, Willa
1 Sculptor's Funeral, The (1920) Cather, Willa
6 Sculptor's Funeral, The (January 1905) Cather, Willa
1 Scum of the Earth (1941) Koestler, Arthur
1 Seas of God, The (1946) Burnett, Whit
3 Seasoned Timber (1939) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Second Jungle Book, The (1895) Kipling, Rudyard
1 Secret of Sienna, A (March 1915) Akins, Zoë
2 Secrets of Schluesselburg, The (December 1909) Soskice, David
1 Self Portrait Anthony Van Dyck
1 Sense and Sensibility (1811) Austen, Jane
1 Sentimental Education, A (1869) Flaubert, Gustave
1 Serenade (1829) Schubert, Franz
1 Serenade (1884) Nevin, Ethelbert
1 Sewanee Review
2 Shadow-Shapes (1919) Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley
98 Shadows on the Rock (1931) Cather, Willa
1 Shallow Soil (1914) Hamsun, Knut
3 Ship, The (1943) Forester, C. S.
1 Short As Any Dream (1929) Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley
2 Shropshire Lad, A (1896) Housman, A. E.
1 Siamese White (1936) Collis, Maurice
1 Siegfried (1876) Wagner, Richard
1 Siegfried (1907) Brownell, Gertrude Hall
2 Silas Marner (1861) Eliot, George
1 Singing Shepherd, The (1895) Fields, Annie Adams
1 Single Hound, The (1938) Sarton, May
1 Sinister Street (1914) Mackenzie, Compton
7 Smart Set
1 Smart Set Anthology of World Famous Authors, The (1934) Rascoe, Burton; Conklin, Groff
2 Snake Pit, The (1929) Undset, Sigrid
1 Snare of the Fowler, The (1936) Bullett, Gerald
1 Soldiers of the Cross (1898) Salpointe, Jean-Baptiste
1 Soliloquies in England and Later Soliloquies (1923) Santayana, George
1 Some Personal Characteristics of Thomas Carlyle (March 1, 1891) Cather, Willa
1 Some Real American Literature (July 25, 1913)
1 Some Remarks on American and English Fiction (December 1914) Garnett, Edward
2 Son of the Smoky Sea (1941) Nutchuk; Hatch, Alden
2 Son of the Soil, A (March 1904) Canfield, Dorothy
1 Song (1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Song of Hiawatha, The (1855) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
1 Song of the Dead (May 1893) Kipling, Rudyard
2 Song of the Lark, The (1884) Breton, Jules Adolphe
111 Song of the Lark, The (1915) Cather, Willa
1 Sonnet 98: From you have I been absent in the spring Shakespeare, William
3 Sonnets Shakespeare, William
1 Sonnets of the New World (1930) Jones, Thomas Samuel
1 Sorrows of Young Werther, The (1774) Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
2 Spanish Johnny (1917) Cather, Willa; Monroe, Harriet; Henderson, Alice C.
3 Spanish Johnny (June 1912) Cather, Willa
1 Sphere, The
1 Spinning Song Liszt, Franz; Wagner, Richard
3 Spokesmen (1928) Whipple, T. K.
4 Spoon River Anthology (1915) Masters, Edgar Lee
1 St Matthew Passion (1727) Bach, Johann Sebastian
1 St. Paul Daily News
1 Stamboul Nights (1916) Dwight, Harrison Griswold
2 Standards of a Bourgeois Family (July 1912) Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley
1 Star of Bethlehem in Mediêval Legend, The (December 1896) Seibel, George
2 Star-Spangled Banner, The (1814) Key, Francis Scott
1 Starvation on Red River (1939) Akins, Zoë
1 Still in Thy Love I Trust (1895) Fields, Annie Adams
1 Storms of Youth (1920) Roseboro', Viola
1 Story of Life Insurance, The (1907) Hendrick, Burton J.
3 Story of My Life, The (1907) Terry, Ellen
2 Story of New Mexico, The (1891) Ladd, Horatio O.
1 Story of Two Noble Lives, The (1893) Hare, Augustus J. C.
1 Story of an African Farm, The (1883) Iron, Ralph
1 Strange Necessity, The (1928) West, Rebecca
1 String Quartet No. 10 in E flat (1809) Beethoven, Ludwig van
1 String Quartet No. 14 (1831) Schubert, Franz
1 String Quartet No. 15 in A minor, Op. 132 (1825) Beethoven, Ludwig van
2 Sunrise on the Prairie: VII (February 1919) Mencken, H.L.
1 Sweated Drama, The (January 1915) Cather, Willa
1 Swedish Mother, The (June 4, 1915) Cather, Willa; Akins, Zoë
2 Swedish Mother, The (September 1911) Cather, Willa
4 Swiss Family Robinson, The (1812) Wyss, Johann David
1 Sword in the Stone, The (1939) White, Theodore H.
1 Symphony No. 5 (1808) Beethoven, Ludwig van
2 Symphony no. 9 in E minor (December 16, 1893) Dvořák, Anton
1 Tables of the Law, The (1945) Mann, Thomas
2 Tabloid Book Review (July 27, 1919) Butcher, Fanny
1 Talking Leaves (1882) Stoddard, William Osborn
3 Tannhauser (1845) Wagner, Richard
1 Tariff in Our Times, The ( 1906 to 1911) Tarbell, Ida
1 Taskmasters, The (1902) Turner, George K.
1 Temps, Le
2 Texas Nightingale, The (1922) Akins, Zoë
1 Text of Lehman's Inaugural Address Assailing Dictators and Intolerance (January 3, 1939) Lehman, Herbert H.
1 Thaïs (1890) France, Anatole
1 Thaïs (1894) Massenet, Jules
1 The Achievements of Liberty (1935) McClure, S. S.
1 The Babes in the Wood (1879) Caldecott, Randolph
2 The Books That Last Forever (December 5, 1943) Undset, Sigrid
1 The Christian Science Journal
1 The Confession and Autobiography of Harry Orchard (July-Nov. 1907) [Horsley, Albert Edward]
1 The Dying Goth [Gaul/Gladiator/Galatian] (230-220 B.C.) Epigonos
2 The Fear That Walks by Noonday (1931) Cather, Willa; Canfield, Dorothy
1 The French Revolution: A History (1837) Carlyle, Thomas
1 The Genius of Willa Cather (1938) Footman, Robert H.
1 The Illustrated London News
1 The Inflammable Tenement (October 1911) McFarlane, Arthur E.
1 The Iron Woman (1911) Deland, Margaret
1 The Kempton-Wace Letters (1903) London, Jack
1 The Leopard of the Sea (1916) Dwight, Harrison Griswold
7 The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science (1909) Milmine, Georgine
1 The Life of Tolstoy: First Fifty Years (1908) Maude, Aylmer
1 The Man Behind the Book: Essays in Understanding (1929) Van Dyke, Henry
1 The Play (October 7, 1919) Woollcott, Alexander
2 The Raven (Janurary 29, 1845) Poe, Edgar Allan
1 The Skeleton in Armor (1841) Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
1 The Strange Patient (November 27, 1909) Gibbon, Perceval
2 The Valkyrie (1870) Wagner, Richard
1 The White Stone (1905) France, Anatole
1 The Čechs (Bohemians) in America (1920) Čapek, Thomas
1 Theodore Thomas: A Musical Autobiography (1905) Thomas, Theodore
1 These United States ([1922-1924])
2 Thirty Years' Musical Recollections (1926) Chorley, Henry F.
1 This Freedom (1922) Hutchinson, Stuart-Menteth Arthur
1 This Week Magazine
1 This is my hour (January 1910) Akins, Zoë
3 Three American Singers (December 1913) Cather, Willa
1 Three Holy Kings From the Eastern Land, The (1826) Heine, Heinrich
1 Three Holy Kings, The (December 1896) Heine, Heinrich
1 Three Musketeers, The (1844) Dumas, Alexandre
1 Three Scallops Brewster, Earl
3 Three Soldiers (1921) Dos Passos, John
1 Three Volumes of Fiction (February 1924) Mencken, H. L.
3 Three Women (September to November, 1932) Cather, Willa
3 Time
1 Time of Man, The (1926) Roberts, Elizabeth Madox
1 Times Book Supplement
1 Timid One (1932) Canby, Marion
1 To a Lily (unpublished) Florance, Sidney
1 Toby Tyler (1881) Otis, James
1 Tod kommt zum Erzbischof, Der (1936-1937) Cather, Willa
3 Toilers of the Tenements (July 1910) Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley
1 Tom Outland's Story (1925) Cather, Willa
1 Topics of the Times (February 4, 1933)
1 Tovarich (1936) Deval, Jacques
2 Toward Standards (1930) Foerster, Norman
1 Town Poor, The (1890) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Tragedy of Julius Caesar, The Shakespeare, William
5 Tragedy of Macbeth, The Shakespeare, William
3 Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, The Shakespeare, William
1 Trail of Death: Letters of Benjamin Marie Petit, The (1941) McKee, Irving
1 Training for the Ballet (October 1913) Cather, Willa
1 Traumerei (1838) Schumann, Robert
1 Traviata, La (March 6, 1853) Verdi, Giuseppe
2 Treasure of Far Island, The (October 1902) Cather, Willa
1 Treasure of the Humble, The (February 10, 1896) Maeterlinck, Maurice
1 Tribute, A (May 11, 1945)
5 Tristan und Isolde (1865) Wagner, Richard
1 Tristram and Iseult (1852) Arnold, Matthew
22 Troll Garden, The (1905) Cather, Willa
1 Tuft of Flowers, The (1913) Frost, Robert
10 Two Friends (1932) Cather, Willa
7 Two Friends (July 1932) Cather, Willa
1 Two Friends, and Other Stories, The (1921) Turgenev, Ivan
1 Two Friends: Yeats and AE (September 1939) O'Connor, Frank
1 Two Humorists: Charles Dickens and Mark Twain (September 1934) Leacock, Stephen
1 Two Orphans, The (December 21, 1874) d'Ennery, Adolphe; Cormon, Eugène
1 Two Women the World is Watching (September 1896) Mary K. Hawley [Willa Cather]
1 Un jeu international (1923)
1 Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) Stowe, Harriet Beecher
1 Uncle Valentine (February 1925) Cather, Willa
2 Under the Bridge (1943) Greenslet, Ferris
1 Union Square (1911) Teasdale, Sara
2 Unto the Third and Fourth Generation (1904) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Utlandssvensken som romanfigur (March 1918) Brunius, August
4 Valley of the Mills, The (1908) Dwight, Harrison Griswold
1 Van Vondel's Lucifer (December 15, 1898) Vance Thompson
1 Vanity Fair (1847 to 1848) Thackeray, William Makepeace
4 Varieties of Realism (October 1915) Boynton, H. W.
1 Vermont (May 31, 1922) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Verses (1916) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Villanelle of City and Country (1912) Akins, Zoë
1 Violin Sonata No. 3 (1888) Brahms, Johannes
1 Vision, The (June 1911) Braithwaite, William Stanley
1 Visit to Mesa Verde, A (January 1916) Cather, Willa
1 Visit to a Short Story Factory, A (December 1912) Mencken, H. L.
1 Vivid Page of History in Miss Cather's New Novel, A (September 4, 1927) Stuart, Henry Longan
1 Vondel's 'Lucifer' in English (December 1898)
1 Vondel's Lucifer (1898) Van Noppen, Leonard Charles
3 Voyage Out, The (1915) Woolf, Virginia
5 Wagner Matinée, A ( March 1904) Cather, Willa
1 Wagner Matinée, A (1905) Cather, Willa
1 Wagnerian Romances (1907) Brownell, Gertrude Hall
1 Wagnerian Romances (1925) Brownell, Gertrude Hall
2 Walk in the Sun, A (1944) Brown, Harry
1 Wallenstein (1799) Schiller, Schiller
3 War and Peace (1869) Tolstoy, Leo
3 Webster County Argus
4 Webster's Dictionary
1 Well-Tempered Musician, The (1925) Toye, Francis
1 Welsh Marches, The (1896) Housman, A. E.
1 Westminster Gazette
1 What Maisie Knew (1897) James, Henry
1 What Price Glory (1924) Stallings, Laurence; Anderson, Maxwell
1 When I meet the morning beam (1896) Housman, A.E.
1 When the Prussians Came to Poland (1916) Turczynowicz, Laura de Gozdawa
1 Where Joy Passed By (1912) Akins, Zoë
1 Where Stands a Winged Sentry (1941) Kennedy, Margaret
1 Where the Ways Crossed (May 1903) Roseboro', Viola
1 Whistler, Painter, and Comedian (September 1896)
1 White Birch in Wyoming (1903) Cather, Willa
3 White Heron, A (1886) Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 Who Will Be the Artist? (September 15, 1923)
1 Who's Who in America
1 Wild Asters (1911) Teasdale, Sara
1 Wild Pranks of Wagner (January 1897) Seibel, George
1 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship (1795 to 1796) Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
13 Willa Cather (1926) Anonymous [Willa Cather]
2 Willa Cather (1930) Rapin, René
1 Willa Cather (December 1940) Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley
1 Willa Cather (May 1921) Carroll, Arthur Latrobe
2 Willa Cather (September 1930) Booth, Alice
2 Willa Cather Eulogizes the Archbishop (September 24, 1927) Talbot, Francis, S. J.
1 Willa Cather Fumbles for Another Lost Lady (October 24, 1926) Kronenberger, Louis
2 Willa Cather Writes a Fictional Biography (September 10, 1927) Gilman, Dorothy Foster
3 Willa Cather Writes a Novel of Old Quebec (August 15, 1931) Butcher, Fanny
1 Willa Cather and the West (1935-1936) Brown, E. K.
1 Willa Cather's Fine Novel (August 11, 1935) Williams, Alexander W.
1 Willa Cather's Latest Novel Has Its Scene in Quebec of 17th Century (August 2, 1931) Robinson, Ted
1 Willa Cather's Magical Pen Writes of Slave Days in Virginia (December 1, 1940 to January 18, 1943) McFee, William
2 Willa Cather's Masterpiece (September 28, 1927) Williams, Michael
2 Willa Cather's Nebraska (September 6, 1923)
2 Willa Cather's New Novel is Simply, Beautifully Told (September 3, 1927) Butcher, Fanny
1 Willa Cather's Novel Achieves a True Beauty (December 4, 1940) Butcher, Fanny
1 Willa Cather's One of Ours (September 10, 1922) Butcher, Fanny
1 Willa Cather's Skill With The Past Makes Poignant Tale of People and Place (August 9, 1931) Jackson, Joseph Henry
2 Willa Cather's War Novel (October 14, 1922) Seibel, George
5 Willa Cather, Daughter of the Frontier (May 28, 1933) Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Willa Sibert Cather (July 1920) Austin, Mary
1 Willa Sibert Cather [translation of Swedish review by G.L.] (October 1918) Digby, Bassett
1 Willa Sibert Cather: A Novelist of Striking Powers and Author of The Song of the Lark (January 1916)
2 Willa Sibert Cather: To Our Notion the Foremost American Woman Novelist (March 12, 1919) Sell, Henry Blackman
2 William's Wedding (July 1910) Jewett, Sarah Orne
4 Willing Muse, The (August 1907) Cather, Willa
1 Windmill, The (18th Century) Dutch school
1 Winds Out of the West Land Blow, The (1896) Housman, A. E.
1 Winter Lilacs (1895) Fields, Annie Adams
1 Winter's Tale Shakespeare, William
1 With Authors and Publishers (November 16, 1919)
1 Within a Budding Grove (1918) Proust, Marcel
1 Woman's Climb from Nebraska to the Stage, A (October 13, 1915) F. A. G.
8 Woman's Home Companion
1 Women Who Make Our Novels, The (1918) Overton, Grant Martin
1 Wood-Doves (October 1906) Guiney, Louise Imogen
1 Woollcott's Second Reader (1937) Woollcott, Alexander
1 Working-Girls' Budgets (October 1910-February 1911) Clark, Sue Ainslie; Wyatt, Edith
3 Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, The (September 1895) Stevenson, Robert Louis
1 World Tomorrow, The
1 World We Live In, The (1922) Capek, Josef; Capek, Karel
1 Wuthering Heights (1847) Brontë, Emily
1 Yale Awards Strong Prize (May 16, 1936)
14 Yale Review
1 Year in the Navy, A (1919) Husband, James
1 Yearling, The
1 Youth (1902) Conrad, Joseph
27 Youth and the Bright Medusa (1920) Cather, Willa
1 Youth's Companion
1 ["Is my team ploughing,] (1896) Housman, A. E.
1 ['Farewell to barn and stack and tree,] (1896) Housman, A.E.
1 ['Tis time, I think by Wenlock town] (1896) Housman, A.E.
1 [On moonlit heath and lonesome bank] (1896) Housman, A. E.
1 [Untitled review of O Pioneers!] (August 2, 1913)
1 [Untitled review of O Pioneers!] (September 1913)
4 [Untitled review of O Pioneers!] (September 4, 1913)
1 [Untitled review of Obscure Destinies] (December 16, 1932) Moult, Thomas
3 [review of "Memories of a Hostess"] (December 1922) Cather, Willa
1 cas de Paul, Le (1947) Cather, Willa
1 cloches de Corneville, Les (April 19, 1877) Planquette, Robert; Clairville, Louis; Gabet, Charles
1 Škof Nove Mehike (1936) Cather, Willa