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All Known Letters

These are all the letters known to the Willa Cather Archive, which will be published in The Complete Letters of Willa Cather by 2021.

Letters which have been fully transcribed, encoded, and annotated will link to the page to view the letter.

Letter ID Date Recipient Repository
3041 1942-09-18 Jordan, Mary unknown present location
3042 1900-11-16 Slack, John C. Sewickley Valley Historical Society, Sewickley, PA
3043 1907-01-08 Slack, John C. Sewickley Valley Historical Society, Sewickley, PA
3044 1918-05-10 Slack, John C. Sewickley Valley Historical Society, Sewickley, PA
3046 1900-11-20 Slack, Margaret Sewickley Valley Historical Society, Sewickley, PA
3047 1900-11-16 Slack, Margaret Sewickley Valley Historical Society, Sewickley, PA
3048 1903-02-18 Slack, Margaret Sewickley Valley Historical Society, Sewickley, PA
3049 1908-07-13 Gund, Margie Miner National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE
3050 1911-09-01 Seymour, Elizabeth (Bessie) Fred Kaufman, Private Collection
3051 1943-06-17 Usher, Abbott Payson American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Cambridge, MA
3052 1938-06-21 Cather, Elsie University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3053 Cather, Elsie University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3054 1931-12-19 Austermann, Eleanor ; Austermann, George
3055 1941-12-30 Austermann, Eleanor private collection of Sally Austermann
3056 1930-07-02 Cather, Charles Edwin University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3057 1923-01-03 Cather, Charles Edwin University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3058 1946-09-17 Cather, Helen Louise University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3059 University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3060 1939-02-02 Carel, Mlle. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3061 1901-02-06 Wilson, Mr. unknown present location
3062 1937-09-27 Harkins, Miss unknown present location
3063 1946-03-26 Dow, Douglas University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3064 1911-05-16 Pattullo, George University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3065 1936-03-31 Falke, Kendall University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections, Lincoln, NE
3066 1930-04-21 unknown, unknown unknown present location
3067 1925-03-20 Ames, Elizabeth New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division, New York, NY
3068 1925-12-21 Ames, Elizabeth New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division, New York, NY
3069 1940-02-01 Lydenberg, Harry Miller New York Public Library, Manuscripts and Archives Division, New York, NY
3071 1926-08-10 Josephy, Robert New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3072 1926-12-26 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3073 1928-04-28 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3074 1932-01-14 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3075 1932-03-04 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3076 1932-03-14 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3077 1932-04-16 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3078 1932-05-13 Rubin, J. Florence New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3079 1932-06-07 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3080 1932-06-18 Knopf, Alfred A. New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3081 1932-07-24 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3082 1932-09-22 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3083 1936-07-31 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3084 1936-08-09 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3085 1936-11-01 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3086 1937-07-27 New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3087 1938-12-12 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3088 1939-06-06 Knopf, Alfred A. New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3089 1939-08-16 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3090 1939-08-27 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3091 1940-06-22 Knopf, Blanche New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY
3092 1940-11-25 New York Public Library, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division, New York, NY