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#0070: Willa Cather to George Seibel, July 17, 1901

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Pittsburg Leader3
My Dear Mr. Sibel1;

I arrived home2 two weeks ago very much worn out by the years hard work, and am not feeling much rested yet. I am tweny pounds thinner than when you saw me last. I dont object to that but I do object to the good for nothing feeling that comes with it.

I find my mother4 somewhat better than she has been for several years and Jack5 and Elsie6 grown beyond all belief. They ask me to tell them about Erna7 every few days and are never tired of hearing about the Christmas tree and the bunnies in the cellar.

I expect a story8 of mine will be out in the August or September Scribners9; when I read the proofs it was scheduled for August but that guarantees nothing. I had a story10 in the June “New England Magazine”11 that I would like you to read if you have time. My mother has basely filched all my copies and sent them to deaf great-aunts etc, but perhaps you’ll have time to look it up at the Library some day. I start for the Rockies the first of August to be gone for several weeks and I hope to hear from you before then. I thought surely EDITORIAL ROOMS
Pittsburgh Leader
_____ 190__ I would get to see you before I left Pittsburgh12, but the horror of the High School13 closing examinations ought to be exposed to the public. I simply had to give up everything and in order to get through the work at all. Tell Erna she must not forget me, and that I hope to help her trim her tree next Christmas. Is the heat as terrible at World’s End as here I wonder? It is like to be world end in truth here. With my heartiest love to you all and prayers for cool weather
