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#0133: Willa Cather to Witter Bynner, February 4 [1907]

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Dear Mr. Bynner1

I think you were mighty kind to ask your publishers to send me a copy of your book of verses4. It reached me on the same day that a book of verse by Ford Madox Hueffer5 arrived from Winchelsea6, and I felt blessed beyond my deserts to be remembered of two poets.

I love the enthusiasm and riotous youthfulness of the Harvard Ode7. Many of the lyrics I knew. But where, O where, is that extremely beautiful one upon a Jewess that you once read to Miss Roseboro'8 and me? What misguided friend ever persuaded you to omit that truly lovely thing? I am glad you included "The Fruits of the Earth"9 at any rate.

Thank you for sending the book to me. Let me congratulate you heartily and wish you strength of purpose and lightness of heart and all good things.

Faithfully Willa Sibert Cather