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#0143: Willa Cather to Guglielmo Ferrero, November 30 [1908]

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Dear Mr. Ferrero1:

Of course4 I can readily understand that you could not consent to write three articles which seemed to you without form and purpose. However we are very reluctant to give up the idea of publishing some of your work. Before Mr. McClure5 sailed he made me an appropriation of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the three articles that we hoped to get from you and the illustrations. Would you be willing to write the two articles on Julius Caesar6 for us for that sum, (five hundred dollars for each article, one thousand dollars for the two)? Our great interest in your work makes us hope that you will find it possible to do this. Such a study, surely, would be complete in itself and would not McCLURE'S MAGAZINE,
in any way be discreditable to you.

Thanking for the attention you have given this matter, I am

Very sincerely yours Willa Sibert Cather