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#0158: Willa Cather to Dorothy Canfield Fisher, April 15, 1909

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I am so sorry, dear Dorothy1, so sorry. I did not hear of your father4's death5 when it happened, as I was in the hospital6 then. It was one of the first things I heard when I came out, however, and I felt such a wave of sympathy for you and your mother7. I know how much Mr. Canfield meant to both of you, and I know how hard it will be to you to have been away when he was ill. I shrink from the thought of how your mother will miss your father and all his constant care, and of the lonely days she will have to face. If there should by any chance be anything I could do to divert her, you will not fail to let me know, I am sure.

There is nothing I can say, Dorothy, except that I hope that this will be as easy for you as such things can be, and that remembering what pleasure and pride your father alwas found in you will be a constant comfort to you now. You couldn't, certainly, have been more to him than you were, and you gave him more happiness than most of us ever give anyone.

Very Lovingly Willa Cather
Mrs. Dorothy Fisher1 1 Rue de Chantilly Paris8 France MADISON SQARE N.Y.2 APR 15 1909 8—PM PARIS ETH GER8 25 AVRIL 09 13 H