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#0169: Willa Cather to Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant, January 26, 1910

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Dear Miss Sergeant1:-

Your letter did not reach me until 11 o'clock this morning. Consequently, there is no need of my trying to reach you at 155 Central Park West. I am, therefore, sending you a note to Washington Square. I will be in the office tomorrow morning from nine o'clock until twelve. and shall be glad to see you then. It would probably bemore satisfactory if you could see me at about nine o'clock as Mr. McClure4 will be returning from Washington5 later in the morning and I shall be very busy.

Will you please remember me to Mrs. Green6 when you next see her and tell her that I am so glad she has not forgotten me.

Very cordially yours,Willa Sibert Cather Miss Elizabeth S. Sergeant, c/o Miss A. P. Barrows7, 391/2 Washington Square, N.Y.

McClures likes episodes
Concrete things are better in
France than in U.S.A. Things
that appeal to McClure
Not woman subjects.
School lunches or millinery
article. Psychotherapeatics[?]

  • American (Janet)[?]
  • McClures
  • Outlook
  • Independent
  • Post
  • Scribner's