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#0190: Willa Cather to Louise Pound, May 9, 1911

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ Dear Louise1:

Elsie5 spent her Christmas and Easter vacations with me. She is in excellent condition and seems to enjoy her work at Northampton6. She does not get nearly so much out of the English Literature, however, as she did under you, and she is really very appreciative of the help you gave her. I am so glad that she had enough work under you to get well started, and I only wish she could have had more. Perhaps she can do some postgraduate work under you. She would love that. I do think we had a pretty sane attitude about the immortals when we went to school.

Are you coming east this summer I wonder? Please let me know if you do. I shall probably be here until the first of August. I’ll love to see you. Of course you like Arnold Bennett7, don’t you? He’s too fond of "symptoms" maybe, but af at least he seems to have some goods to sell, which most of 'em emphatically have not, even when their salesmanship is most impressive and their floor-walking manners very grand.

Faithfully Willa Cather

Does Miss Lathrop8 ever come to New York? Please tell her I want to see her.

Miss Louise Pound1 1429 "L" Street Lincoln3 Nebraska NEW YORK, N.Y.STA.O2 MAY 9 1911 730 LINCOLN, NEB.3 MAY 11 1911 11 AM